State College - Episode V: Dennis Strikes Back

Here’s a link to the Ashburn tourney.

Thanh and I need a third teammate for 3S; we’ll make the decision at next Tuesday’s session. We also need a cool team name. I’m thinking “Team Wakeup Super”, in honor of Thanh. Plus, it’ll make our opponents hesitate…

we need a penn state sf day, where EVERYONE comes back and chills together for a weekend.

edit: andy, did you get mario kart wii?

Team Parry Manilow.

Or Parry White.

I should be up in PA sometime around Christmas, but if ya’ll want to visit Florida, I’m always here.

I actually do want to visit Florida. You’re in Orlando?

That is correct sir.

Any arcades in orlando?

One crappy arcade that only has Hyper Fighting and KofXi

No CFJ ? :stuck_out_tongue:

and unlike rich dan may actually visit you when you travel cross the nation

hey dan barren cross is a pretty cool band its like christian dio maiden, though im sure you knew this

though come to think of it im sure you have played them for me

We must revenge

it on for tonight gais

Happy b-day to Scott! yay! Holding it down for the old man club. Also, Dan I am coming your way end of October. Huzzahh! Expect some pancakes my friend.

Also part 2, I just had chinese food and it was a bit cold but oh so delicious. Also part 3, now I am done with my mountain dew. Also part 4, I am changing my avatar to: MortalKombatFoLife!

Its your birthday Scott, and you didn’t tell any of us yesterday? For shame, for shame… happy b-day!

@ Andy: Why don’t you play some MK with us next time :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks guys. Today was mostly good, except I spilled some ketchup at McDonalds—and that’s why I had to kick you guys out after midnight; I suddenly felt very old and tired.

I suppose now I should give up the silliness of video games and do something more productive in my spare time.


gettin pretty old thar scott

i feel like spring chicken now

happy birfday

happy birthday scottt!!

happy Fucking birthday!!!


The Firm

Thanh, Scott, Carmen, and Keith took over New York singlehandedly.

Good seeing you guys again