Starting LL's Help!

So I have honestly procrastinated about attempting to get LL’s down with Zero. I keep looking at these videos and they never say how to start it after raikousen. Is it neutral jump after sougenmu or buster or something lol. Please if anybody can help I would totally appreciate it =).

its clones > Jump lv 3 buster > L Lightning > 2x TK L Lightning > Jump Lv 3 Buster > L Lightning > 2x Tk L Lightning > Jump Lv 3 Buster > L Lightning

Personally I dont find myself having enough time to buster consistantly so i do a scrub version haha. heres what i do

clones > Jump lv 3 buster > L Lightning > 3x TK L Lightning > Jump Lv 3 Buster > L Lightning > Tk L Lightning > Clones

heres a good vid you can take a look at:

My scrub way is a mix between the buster cancel and the original way i guess.

Hope this helps! LL’s kicked my ass learning them. I had a lot of problem with buffering the lightnings too soon

So when I charger the buster the second time it had to be Lvl 3. I never seem to have enough time in between clones and lightning.

They have to be lvl 3… Lvl3 buster causes soft knockdown, lvl 2 don´t… after the set up, when you neutral jump , buster and Lightning first time, you must do Lightning and immediately hold an attack (M or H) to restart charging… you can also check if your first tk raikousen is hitting twice (you and clone…) if hits only once… you´re doing second tk raikousen faster than it would be…

Ok that makes sense. So right after your first lightning hold a button.

Buster, Lightning L (Hold L), active sougenmu with QCB + M +H, hold up during sougenmu animation, release L (buster will come out) Lightning L (hold H)…

If anyone clarified that for me before I would’ve learned to make lightning cereal ages ago. Instead I’ve been served with cold shitty drops. I still have a problem of buffering shit in during hyper animations. Do you hold up as soon as the animation starts or do you have to start holding up at a certain point? It’s a helluva scrub question but I’ve had weird shit happen where inputs didn’t really buffer.

Wow… I would have checked this thread sooner…
If you´re or someone still interested, you can hold up during sougenmu animation, or let the animation completely end, them jump and release buster… But you must be aware that if you do sougenmu and just tap up at the beginning of the animation, after animation ends zero won´t jump…
About buffering… Once I heard you can buffer TK SRKs when doing lightning loop… and I think it´s a false information… I tried doing bufferd Srks and two things Happen: Nothing comes out, or Zero just Super jump with L (and the inputs shows: foward, down, diagonal up forward + L… it just disappear with diagonal down forward input… I can´t even do this sequence of inputs as it´s showed… The way I do Lightning loops is do a Lightning, wait until zero full recovers on the ground, do another lighting… I don´t know maybe someone proves I´m wrong… but as I said in the Sougenmu animation example, you can hold up and buffer the jump after a Lightning(for normal jump LL).