Star Wars

sounds like some neckbeards are just butthurt that people don’t like their shit movie.

Yet energy is being wasted trying to fight the “good” fight and the other side doesn’t get your point. I think most have agreed to disagree.


Guys ignore the troll. Him thinking that we all like the movie shows his lack of intelligence. Thinking that anyone would shift their opinion after all this time is also a fools errand…but we are dealing with a fool.


an apt quote from one of the OT heroes





I’m curious - if the Disney/Fox merger completes as expected… will we get back the Fox logo and theme to start off SW flicks?

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Highly doubt it.

Not gonna lie though, for a long time I associated the 20th Century Fox fanfare as the “intro” to Star Wars.


Most still do. The new intro is jarring.


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Leia plays the bartender role Whoopi use to. cuz no uniform.

not to go too off topic, but i was thinking why in the star trek universe no one really has a change of clothes. everyone wears the same outfits outside of uniforms. then i realized, overpopulation has made the entireplanet sorta like tokyo japan where everyone lives in closet sized apartments.
so no closet space.
then i thought, yunno all you realy truly need in life is a room the size of the ones on the enterprise. because in reality thats all the space a single human being really needs.
as long as it has a toilet/shower and that computer in the wall that atomizes food for you.
then i started thinking how awesome it would be to have a computer that can make food outta thin air like that. it eliminates a need for a fridge and a stove in one stroke.
then i started thinking. if they have pc that can create food at the atomic level, maybe they have toilets that can make your pee and poopie disappear at the atomic level too. and thereby eliminate any need for a sewer system.
then i started thinking…heyyyyyy, what if their toilets that deatomize their poopie, reassembles it as their food???
think about it.
they may be eating their own shit in the future.

Use of the Unreal Engine with Solo’s production.

The same system also makes you new clothing and dispose of your old clothing.

Star Trek/Star Wars crossover perhaps with the Q involved???

Disney World’s park is opening waaaaaaaaaay ahead of the initial range. Vader must have come in and put them back on schedule.

Neato. it’ll probably be pretty cool. Not sure if my daughter will be into the Star Wars though. Feel like Harry Potter bodied the shit out of SW in that regard.

Like if Harry Potter had the cartoons and all the other bullshit SW had, JK Rowling would be balling even harder.

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Not gonna lie, I really want to hit this spot up. I had a reservation on the books for the end of October. Since it’s 2 months after the park opens, I think this may be a go!

To see a life size Millennium Falcon may turn me into a 5 year old.

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Yeah, your reactions once you’re in the parks kinda go crazy. I remember meeting Baloo made me feel like a 6 year old. Gave that poor dude in the costume a massive hug.

All in all working the parks is hella fun. Too bad they’re in florida. Would 've to work there again, wouldn’t want to live in Orlando though.


many of my co-workers are already being transferred to that place for training on both the attraction and shows theming. I choose to stay in my area and take over leadership roles that are opening up where i am. shit’s going to get wild at the end of May.

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star wars scrrrrrrrrrratchin