Star Wars Thread

ya know what i do remember that from a while back, its sumtin like he redirects it like on some martial arts/akido shit. but i think it actually gets reverted back stronger

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No it isn’t. Grays are never canon.

Hes on your side dumb dumb.

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Guess I needed the /s. :joy:

As far as discussion goes, the reason why Gray Jedis are has solely to do with analyzing the themes in the movie.

Hell the idea that access to the mystical workings of the universe puts you inherently in danger is full of depth. Way better than a “lol cool spaceship” discussion or “Rian fingered my childhood” one.

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I haven’t insulted you. And maybe it’s because I respect you that I feel a little slighted. You have a lot of brilliant ideas, and I know we share common interests. So when you respond to me using all caps, and then saying “sorry it’s hard to miss” or whatever, I don’t really care for that shit. It implies an air of snobbery and smugness. I wouldn’t do that to you. In fact, with the exception of NYM and AlphaCharlie (who bring shit upon themselves) I try to treat everyone here with respect.

I don’t get the same feeling of an antagonistic attitude from eskills in this discussion for whatever reason. I don’t know, my bad if I misread you.

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Regular jedi are already dealing with that. They’re all light force users. Gray isnt offering anything new.

Characters disagreeing with the Jedi order is fine. But that doesnt mean they are magically balancing both sides of the force perfectly. If you add charactera like that, then you’re basically making the Mary Suest of Marys.

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You completely misread me. You guys basically rarely see me nerd out in this thread.

But I’ve had a bone to pick with this bullshit since I first saw it. I literally unfollowed the guy who exposed me to it on facebook. Fuck him for sharing that bullshit.

I never needed to know that it ever existed and I’m still mad from 3 years ago when I saw it.

The thing is that you were straying from the text and twisting movie happenings as evidence.

At no point can Rey handle being that close to the dark side. The force lightning is kinda there to show that her want to defeat Kylo in that moment was so great thst she was willing to force a stalemate to spite him. That stalemate came at the cost of Chewie’s life… or should’ve.

After all she went through in the movies, there is no indication that Rey would even hint at flirting with the dark side. Maybe there are aliens who can withstand it. But star wars humans just cant take those risk. Its too dangerous.

She is basically the poster boy for why being Gray is a turbo bad.

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I dunno why you think anyone will achieve balance. The Jedi shoot for light and constantly fail, why is the assumption success would be easily found here, if at all. The struggle to find that balance is not something Jedi deal with, they as a general rule reject it outright.

So no I don’t agree.

Being the light to the dark is the balance. :relieved:

Lucas said that restoring balance meant defeating the dark side.

Palpatine created disarray of balance in the force.

My networking mentor is part of the 501st, and has met George Lucas. I’ll have to look through his FB wall and get permission to post his photo here.


Grey Jedi are serious business. I never cared much for the idea of it but to me it seems so fanfiction like to say “hey I’m not good or evil but neutral. I have access to all sides but I’m in total control”

I guess some love a powerful fence sitter?

Tim Pool is a gray jedi.


Shift + ~
setforceall 3


I swear stuff under Lucas contradicts it. That their has to be a dark and light. Or am I crazy?

Lucas was the only one allowed to give sith their sith names.

He wanted to name the dude from The Force Unleashed (which was canon under the EU), Darth Insaenous.

So you know, :joy::joy::joy::joy:


John Boyega going ham on twitter lmao

Nothing Gray about Finn.