Star Wars: The Force Unleashed / SEQUEL ANNOUNCED

The demo was pretty cool. This will be the best SW game since Episode III, at least, though I’m not too fond of the lackadaisical combo branching.

Any game where the focus is on fighting other people with your own weapons/fists I call a fighting game.

Those vids are full of win graphics looks MUCH better then the demo.

Yo sep I don’t know how you can find the combo option select system lackadasical. Judging b the demo and vids it looks more fleshed out and is just plain more fun then the combo systems in GOW, DMC, or NG.

I’m hella hyped for this game woot!

EDIT: Shade n sep I don’t see yall playing brawl anymore:rofl:

I may be late on this so I apologize in advance, but I just figured out that you can force hold the beams and bend them so the tie fighters crash against them. I thought that was awesome.

Also, there’s some type of health absorbing power up in that first big room one encounters. Couldn’t test it because I had killed everyone already haha.

But yeah, I could be very late to this. Sorry. :confused:

I just kind of got tired of it. One day, I’ll whip it out again, but for now it’s gonna collect that dust.

You consider pretty much every game based on/containing some kind of combat/conflict, a “fighting game” then. Strange guy, you are. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gamespot aired a live marathon of the game being played yesterday morning at 11 and they have just reposted it on their Launch Center. I think they cover the first few levels and play the game on all the different platforms it’s being released on. I’m trying to avoid spoilers so I didn’t catch it but for those who don’t mind, enjoy.

Star Wars TFU Gamespot Launch Center

I found the combo branching to be a letdown. It’s too simple and not freestyle enough. Hopefully he gains awesome melle combos later and more freestyle combo branching as well.

The only reason I’m keeping my eye on this is because the game looks cool and I always wanted to beast on fools with the force. Combo wise this game pales in comparison to DMC and GOW.

How can you say the combos pale in comparison to DMC and GoW based off a demo? In the full game he does gain melee combos that branch as well as having the ability to freestyle them. Let’s take Starkiller’s X>X>X>B combo as an example of the branching combos he gains as he levels. At level 1 this combo ends at the B press which is a Force ground radius slam that pops enemies around him up in the air, as he levels you gain the ability to follow up with the combo MvC2 launcher style for an extended air combo.

So it’s listed combos then. Not combo as you wish?

I don’t know, perhaps after leveling that combo it simply cuts the recovery of the Force ground slam allowing for other options like Force Grip Impale or a Lightning Bomb, the MvC2 style launcher follow up was just one of the combos I’ve seen that was linked off the X>X>X>B.

Sounds interesting. I can’t wait to play the finished product.

This game needs more 60fps.

Seems like it, and that’s the big problem I have with Ninja Gaiden and God of War (although I still like them as games). I prefer being able to freestyle link/chain attacks, a la Devil May Cry or Street Fighter.

God of War? You can freestyle your ass off in GoW, what are you talking about?

I tried the demo of this. The concept is fine (Vader May Cry) and the level layout seems decent enough. But the animation and framerate reeks of last gen. Pretty inconsistent tech in the game so far, considering there’s a lot of other technical stuff going on like physics and interactive environments.

Video Review of the full game – > [media=youtube]Omo25wSNwfM[/media]

Going to midnight release tomorrow, super stoked.

My post in the 360 Thread

They did an excellent job with the QTE’s in the full version of the game making them a really fun to do and watch during the sub-boss/boss battles, I really don’t see this excuse that QTE make you feel “detached” from the action of the game as I feel the QTE’s in the case of the game let you feel very close to the action and very much involved. The levels are massively huge which the game has gotten knocked down for while GoW2 got praise for their massively huge levels. They have been detailed, filled with hidden bonuses, enjoyable puzzles and awesome boss battles so far.

I’ll do my best to answer any questions regarding the game as I play through.

This game is win. Just want to say that.

Yes it is.

Just pulled down the Star Destroyer with a big ass grin on my face.

Playing as the Emperor is so fucking dope lol. :cool:

Hahah Just did the same 5 minutes ago.

I love this game. I really do. People do complain about how buggy it is. I’ve had to reset the system once or twice.
The only real problem is I’ve gathered all 15 holocrons on the Imperial Kashyyyk stage but it’s only registering as 14.