Star Wars: The Force Unleashed / SEQUEL ANNOUNCED

The Wii has an announced multiplayer mode. Unless it’s online (bah at Wii’s shitty online “structure”), it will be split screen.

And unless you have some kind of Star Wars fetish, the Ps3/360 version will be practically identical. Why buy both again?

I hear that. As good as the RPG’s, and Shooters were, I need some good old action games now and again. Shit was made for it.

cough cough… Dark forces 2: jedi knight beyotches!!

and honorable mention: empire strikes back for SNES

I actually played very few Star Wars games, and they all differed greatly in gameplay. Played the Rogue Squadron games, Teras Kasi, The Pod Racer shit back on the N64, Episode 3 (Xbox), and the three SNES Star Wars games. Oh, that Arcade shooter by Sega I remember somewhat, too.

This one looks fucking awesome, however. Can’t wait.

tie fighter, episode 1 racer and shadows of the empire were my personal favs. First couple rogue squadron games were great too(gamecube ones were kind of lacking).

come to think of it the n64 has been THE console for star wars games.

The Best Star Wars games are:

  • Tie Fighter/Xwing series
  • Super Star Wars series
  • Jedi Outcast
  • Jedi Knight (the cutscenes are cheese tastic though.)
  • OG Rogue Squadron
  • the first gamecube Rogue Squadron (were there any sequels?)

There was a sequel to the GC Rogue Squadron, Rogue Leader. It was TERRIBLE, though…playable, but not worth more than 10 bucks. The speeder bike level was insane, and the Jedi Starfighter with Fett sonic mine assist broke the game.

Just watched the E307 In-Depth interview at GT, and the guy did in fact confirmed that “they have multiplayer”, it’s just not being talked about. Keep in mind that this was before the Wii version (which already has confirmed Multi-player), so he was specifically talling about the Next-Gen consoles with that one.


omfg this looks awesome.

anyone ever play dark forces? jedi knight was the shit, even got mysteries of the sith, and jedi outcast.

kyle katarn=master of cheese

though every light saber duel got me pumped because you could die so easily.

TFU is shaping up to be the best Star Wars game yet. I’ll be picking it up as soon as I get a PS3.

Good thing you’re keeping an open mind at least.

I’m hyped…

My fav Star Wars games were X-wing, Tie Fighter, but NOT “XvT” since that was a rushed debacle. It was rushed so badly that, even the two CDs were MIXED UP where they had to actually put lables on the discs saying “we goofed! the other disc is the installation disc!” or something like that, and the game itself just wasn’t as polished and didn’t feel complete like the preceding games. I didn’t bother with its expansion, though I heard it supposedly fixed several things wrong with the original.

I also loved the SNES Super Star Wars series heh.

My favorite star wars games were Jedi Knight, The expansion to jedi knight, Jedi outcast, and rogue squadron. Jedi knight was fun, except I mostly played the expansion because the original was broken as hell, and the expansion had pretty cool force powers. Force push + a game filled with catwalks = TOO GOOD.

IGN has a new preview on the game. New images (some from the earlier GameInformer article), and new video.

Can’t wait. - <3

GameTrailers has new exclusive presentation for our viewing pleasure.


Its needs jedi Academy style light saber fighting. That game still has a good user base cause of its unique mechanics. My fear is it will become god of war like over the top combat. Though fun against a computer it makes multiplayer shallow.

I just saw the vid. I’m always glad to see developers experimenting with engines such as these. I used to think that whole AI grabbing onto objects was just some type of magnetism bullshit. Now I see that they really did develop a new engine around it.

Messing with physics engines in games is fun. Can’t wait for this and Crysis on the PS3. :bgrin:

i hope the lightsaber combat kicks ass

The three different Engines being utilized in the next-gen versions are phenomenal.

Ahh, yes. I forgot about Shadows of the Empire. I remember spending alot of time with that, not knowing what the fuck was going on, either. I knew jack shit about the storyline at the time.

All kinds of new info surfacing on the various versions.

Krome Studios is doing most of the other versions, including the Wii, and PS2 versions. Preview/Impressions here -

PSP version

More Next-Gen coverage

Still annoyed that there hasn’t been any talk of a PC version from tehse guys. Fuck.

Mega fucking bump.

Vader confirmed playable in Unleashed (first level, in which you first come across his young future apprentice <3)

Footage of damn near all the various versions, with detail on how they differ.

EDIT - MORE new footage, and info on the plot.