Standing MP xx SUPER JUMP?

ok so can the close.MP cancel to a super jump to follow the opponent and tap dance on his head?

Example: st.MP xx Super Jump / Reg. Jump —> j.tap dance (fb motion kick).

I think I saw dirty note do this, but just looking for some confirmation.

and how do you tap dance on someones head for 8 hits? keep mashing kick?


I’m not talking about the standard chicken combo !!!

just drum the kicks for extra hits, ex chicken will do 9 hits not 8 however.

Sort of char specific, but its generally very hard to time, unless its against alex or something. Even then, doing mp chicken mp chicken mp sjc tap dance wont give you all hits, the juggle count goes funny there. And also, the timing seems to be more lenient when you do ex chicken.

Doing this after a mp SJC doesnt really have much use. But the move on its own definitely does. Do a forward jump when ure next to the opponent then immediately do it, then drum the buttons. The damage isnt great, but its a very tricky overhead to react to, and it surprises a lot of people, very often.

It also builds about 20-25% of a tengu stone gauge, which is pretty damn good for a move that can hit very frequently.

But if it does get blocked you’re in trouble.