Standing block strings

so i’m playing and a cammy decides to just standing :lk: me all day in the corner. I can’t do shit about it until she does it enough to give me meter.

what can i do?

p.s. Frame data would help seeing i dont know what normal would work in that situation.

You can’t break through strings of lights with an attack if you are in the corner with no meter. Kuma only gets strike invincibility on EX moves and his fastest normal is 5f, whereas Cammy as a 3f jab that leaves her at advantage on block (+1 on the, maybe +2 or +3 on the jab, don’t know). The best thing you can do is block and tech out when you can or roll out of the corner if you eat dirt and she doesn’t try to bait you.

Or better yet, try to avoid being put in the corner with or without meter.

you can cancel hunting mode into break in ( back Heavy Punch) if you are fast, you should have enough time to get the armor frame out if they are using a with +1 frame advantage. Your window is only 1 frame through, so screw up and you get combo’d

man that is just unjust only thing i can do is what i been doing. No, way i can get out a hunter stance into break’it its just not fast enough, and its just impossible to not be put into a corner with kuma.

I wonder if i can mash out Headbutt in that situation?

headbutt is as fast as her kick, so if cammy does it well you won’t succeed. if she’s slow you get the headbutt. As for not getting put into the corner, try to play more long range tactics if you get close to the corner, keeping them from getting in gives you a bit more space. I dunno that’s all i can say.

When people try to get at kuma with jabs, dont forget that standing lp has no hurtbox, and standing lk moves your hurtbox about a half character back. Smart usage of these tools keeps kuma away from the jabberwackys.

I can’t deny he gets put in the corner easy if you let it happen, but if you play smart and keep up offense and get them scared, it is very common to go ~30 seconds without being on the defensive. Frolicking bear as an anti-air trades a lot, but it is always, always in your favor. When it trades, use his light command roll to get back on the offensive.

In situations like this its some time favorable to cut cost and take a blow or two. Like air reset or allow your self to be thrown. True you risk some damage but you free your self from some unforgiving situations.

HBS jabs are really good and serve as really good frametraps too, which lead into an easy knockdown. The funny thing is that in the corner you must be able to connect about 7 jabs on block before you stop connecting, some amusing lockdown.

I haven’t noticed the hurtbox thing as much with s.lp, but I will say that gets you out of a lot of stuff like standing jab strings. Also remember launcher beats all crouch attacks.

The big issue are characters (Ryu/Cammy/etc) that have 3 frame STANDING jabs that are + on block. Unless Kuma’s standing jab doesn’t have a hurtbox (aka is invincible) until it starts up, he’s going to get torn up by fast st. jab characters. In addition, st. lk has a good hurtbox (since it’s so far behind him) but it still has startup and once someone’s jabbing you in the face, it’s hard to get your move out without getting stuffed.

standing jab doesn’t have a hurtbox on the move itself… so if you space it right yeah it should be fine. If they are jabbing in your face you have to have meter or just backdash out.

I’ve been using Kuma on point past few weeks and I almost NEVER get put in the corner. Like others have said step up your defense and control the spacing. Don’t let people jump in for free, and when they do get in make them regret it s.LK, Rolling Circus, etc.

I think some people must come to this thread expecting to find something about kuma’s standing block strings and pressure. I know I did…

Yeah. That would make a lot more sense.

its not impossible, if you’re using him right you should be pushing the opponent into the corner with g-cleft, and if they get to far just roll up on them or wait for them to come to you if you have the life lead.

bear stance, duck fireballs, using break’n on jump ins.

i not sure if HBS that work in that situation . I read in my book you have to wait 7 frames to use an attack out of the stance.if Cammy tries to get a combo on you by checking your guard by doing a low attack,use a raw launch tag to crush it .kumas stand light kick moves his hit box back a little bit .if Cammy jump cancels her standing blocked string you might be able to dash forward.