ive been trying to work on some rock resets/mixups. ive had some success in the mixup but damage wise you really dont get that big of a bonus. rock + resets really dont mix, unless you’re hoping to mess with your opponents head a lot, so the next time you get to CC you can take advantage of that.
[near corner]-activate, c.mk, c.fk, [s.fk, fp hard edge] > corner, pause, *meaty qcf + fp, f+mk XX qcf + lp, c.mk, c.fk, s.fk x N, raging storm.
*reset part of the combo. if you see the qcf + fp hit, then quick cancel the overhead and continue. if opponent blocks low, just wait till the overhead hits, then cancel and continue.
[near corner]-activate, c.mk, c.fk, [s.fk, fp hard edge] > corner, pause, *meaty qcf + fp, f+mk XX hcb + fk, command throw > corner, break, s.fk x N, raging storm.
*another set up, though easy to see.
note: i like to have at least have my bar or more at least when i get to the corner, that way im not rushing my attacks. if you have less forget the reset and finish the CC.
[corner]-activate, c.mk, c.fp x 2, c.fk XX *hcb + mk, pause, f+mk XX command grab, break, s.fp x N, raging storm.
*dont have the opponent dead in the corner, just close enough so when you do rocks run he ends up there. the f+mk is the dangerous part of it since he can easily be hit out of it. and so if that might be a problem…
[CC]…f+mk XX counter, f+mk XX command grab, break, s.fk x N, raging storm.
*if they dont fall for the first counter, then command throw. if they do, i doubt they’ll try anything again against the second f+mk.
anyway, like i said…rock and resets dont mix. i dont do these a lot…hardly ever. just something to know if i want to mix up my game a bit…