Standard A-Groove starters and combos

Hey I know this is kind’ve n00b but we all start somewhere and sometime. Until now I’ve only played 3s but i picked up CvS2 to learn it.

I started using Rock and experimenting with the A-Groove system that acts like the V-ISM from a3. I messed around with d,u+P or qcb+P as launchers (in corner) and just standard jabs or kicks as followups and a super at the end. This seems pretty basic and easy now so I wanted to move onto the next level.

A) What are some real in-match ways to start an A-Groove combo?

B) What are some decent A-Groove strings?

Thanks and sorry for making a n00b thread. Two or three good answers is enough =D

a-groove rock is one of my favorite a-groove characters to play, he has good roll cancels and his a groove combos are pretty entertaining to try do and kinda flashy

-fighting game discussion
-set it to from last 30 days to since beginning
-and there is an a-groove guide there with every characters better a-groove combos

okay, ill stop being lazy, here’s the link

What are the advantages of using a rising tackle + hp xx whiff s lk as opposed to a hard edge for AA CC starter?

I can’t get the whiff s lk, the timing seems to be too hard, so I was wondering if hard edge works just as well…

My corner CC for people with bad muscle memory:
rage run: shift, shinkuu nage, break [activate] s hk * 6, hp rising tackle, lp rising takle, raging storm
In short hand, that’s:
qcb + hk, 360 + p xx ppp, wait for just half a second then [activate] s hk * 6, d, u + hp, [d] <—holding down while you’re in the air helps, u + lp, qcf*2 + p

The reason I would use rising tackle in the custom combo is because it’s a more reliable anti-air solution (at least for me it is) then hard edge. I whiff hardedge a lot when people come down from the air, but hardedge is a lot easier to land. Also, after I whiff, it seems to give me a lot more time to make a custom combo, thus doing more damage.

It took me about half an hour to get the timing down. Just think of it as a chain combo, go d, u + HP, then immediately go to down and tap lk when you see your move start.

The reason I would use rising tackle in the custom combo is because it’s a more reliable anti-air solution (at least for me it is) then hard edge. I whiff hardedge a lot when people come down from the air, but hardedge is a lot easier to land. Also, after I whiff, it seems to give me a lot more time to make a custom combo, thus doing more damage.

It took me about half an hour to get the timing down. Just think of it as a chain combo, go d, u + HP, then immediately go to down and tap lk when you see your move start.

Damage and resets questions:

I was wondering how to get more milage out of Rock’s CC. I suppose that you could do:
[activate] c mk, c hp * 4-6, s hp, qcb + hp and do the regular carry to corner thing.
I’m sure you could put a reset in there with a toward + mk as well, and I think that rage run -> shift is ok, but people tend to see that coming.

Are there any other high damage with reset possibilities? The way I see it, the only way for Rock to get more than 7k damage is to do lots of hp’s or hk’s, reset, and repeat.

ive been trying to work on some rock resets/mixups. ive had some success in the mixup but damage wise you really dont get that big of a bonus. rock + resets really dont mix, unless you’re hoping to mess with your opponents head a lot, so the next time you get to CC you can take advantage of that.


[near corner]-activate,,, [, fp hard edge] > corner, pause, *meaty qcf + fp, f+mk XX qcf + lp,,, x N, raging storm.

*reset part of the combo. if you see the qcf + fp hit, then quick cancel the overhead and continue. if opponent blocks low, just wait till the overhead hits, then cancel and continue.

[near corner]-activate,,, [, fp hard edge] > corner, pause, *meaty qcf + fp, f+mk XX hcb + fk, command throw > corner, break, x N, raging storm.

*another set up, though easy to see.

note: i like to have at least have my bar or more at least when i get to the corner, that way im not rushing my attacks. if you have less forget the reset and finish the CC.

[corner]-activate,, c.fp x 2, XX *hcb + mk, pause, f+mk XX command grab, break, s.fp x N, raging storm.

*dont have the opponent dead in the corner, just close enough so when you do rocks run he ends up there. the f+mk is the dangerous part of it since he can easily be hit out of it. and so if that might be a problem…

[CC]…f+mk XX counter, f+mk XX command grab, break, x N, raging storm.

*if they dont fall for the first counter, then command throw. if they do, i doubt they’ll try anything again against the second f+mk.

anyway, like i said…rock and resets dont mix. i dont do these a lot…hardly ever. just something to know if i want to mix up my game a bit…

what is fk? I usually go by the terminology ligh, medium hard for each, so I’m not sure what fk is :confused:
If fk is hard kick, wouldn’t that count as a knockdown? I guess I’m just not seeing this, because I don’t know why you’d mix in an overhead if they get knocked down…

yep rock… has dmging AA combos… I was supposed to make a vid…but I never got a memory stick… doh!

ok ground combo… activate c.hpX7 qcb hp xx (lp,lk,lp,lk,mp qcb hp)repeat raising storm or shine knuckle…

2nd combo: wake up lp rising tackle activate Hk qcb mp(x2) HK qcbmp… corner rising tackle til bar ends… raising storm…

yeah, fk = fierce kick

lp/lk - low punch/kick
mp/mk - med punch/kick
fp/fk - fierce punch/kick

the over head is for some mind games. you can make it look like its gonna come out as a meaty overhead, then cancel into the command grab at the last second. or meaty over ahead attempt XX qcf + lp XX overhead attempt again XX command grab.

just mixups/mindtricks…

corner set up i like (only works vs certain characters)*

-shift into corner, command grab, hold pp, early release (so it his the oppoent high), lp rising tackle, activate,, x 2, fp rising tackle x 3,, raging storm.

*on some characters itll juggle for 3 hits and others its only a 1 hit juggle.

corner set up vs rolento and dan:

-shift into corner, command grab, hold pp, early release, fp rising tackle, activate, shift into corner, command grab(otg), break grab, x 2, land,, fp rising tackle x 3,, raging storm.