Although Super Street Fighter II Turbo is usually a two-player competition, some people over the years have asked me how their single-player high scores (on 1 credit) compare to the world record so I’m creating this thread for reference.
For the tougher US version on difficulty 8, the record to beat is 1,865,000 from OG tourney player Jason Wilson. Score verified by and info courtesy of Twin Galaxies (
For the Japanese version on default settings, below are the top scores for each of the 17 characters. The confirmed world record is with Ryu at 4,111,000 (for perspective, that’s around 342,000 per match). There are online accounts of higher scores but they’re hard to take seriously without evidence. Scores verified by Gamest and Arcadia magazines, and info courtesy of Nonkiya (
Character — Score — Player — Source
Ryu —— 4,111,000 —— 下河塾生RMN?-CKY-イマ○チオ経(橙) —— '05.05.Arcadia
Ken —— 3,778,000 —— さみだれ(橙)烈風静流桜RMN?-CYK経 —— '05.04.Arcadia
Blanka —— 3,345,000 —— MRC アイフル —— '00.06.Arcadia
Chun Li —— 3,301,400 —— こっちもやってみた RMN?-CKY-経 —— '06.07.Arcadia
Dhalsim —— 3,206,500 —— SSMR’S-MRC 橙鎖陽炎 —— '95.07.Gamest
Sagat —— 3,059,700 —— カリでか君ことRMN-CKY-072膣ね —— '05.09.Arcadia
Guile —— 3,007,400 —— SSMR’S-MRC レモン-阿重霞 —— '96.02.Gamest
Dee Jay —— 2,856,500 —— 常連代表 —— '00.08.Arcadia
Fei Long —— 2,843,200 —— 顔射 O~ —— '05.10.Arcadia
dictator —— 2,722,200 —— GSM-VEGATTY —— '96.09.Gamest
boxer —— 2,632,100 —— 下河塾長香川でもお元気で!BY(ま)(社)(熊)(文)(経) —— '05.11.Arcadia
Cammy —— 2,587,100 —— URA(氏) —— '01.10.Arcadia
E.Honda —— 2,535,500 —— NAM —— '95.01.30.Gamest
Gouki —— 2,195,200 —— 経 —— '05.08.Arcadia
Zangief —— 1,931,400 —— GDS-RUN 顔パワー炸裂! —— '01.01.Arcadia
claw —— 1,866,200 —— 橙の薙刀RMN?-SST-坪井経○○○湖 —— '05.10.Arcadia
T.Hawk —— 1,838,100 —— GSM-つる —— '98.06.Gamest