ST Tournament at NCR9 -- June 18th & 19th 1PM Milpitas, CA

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
32-man bracket

1 daigo
2 Alex Valle
3 fudd
4 steven grigs starkilled
5 thrust
6 ultracombo
7 jason green dj reign
7 saitou
9 faisal
9 papasi
9 $100
9 georam
13 vestax
13 moses
13 Kevin Y
13 aaron hannod shinobio
17 mr igloo
17 L2P
17 pete wikzek murderman
17 tyram
17 phobos
17 jose martifj
17 mizuki
17 bitkid
25 Erik N
Daigo finally lost a game to valle.

wtg Fudd!

not fudding around this time

how was my commentary and overall stream experience?

you guys did great. i liked it. i really wish i could have been there.

Nice work, everyone. These setups and streams will help boost the game’s presence and hype. I hope that the players had fun and that anybody in the area who found the game interesting will consider entering next time.

I haven’t played so many offline ST casuals in one day.

GGS to everyone I played today.

We have 25 entrants for our st side tourney and I heard that cvs2 side tourney had 40!

That is surprising since the whole LA crew is absent this year (last year we had 25 but like 10 from socal) and several people from norcal not present (bcchoi, s4v, oliver tavas, guile bros, stp)

In comparison, official Tekken 6 had 21, MK9 had 50, MVC3 had 100+, SF4 AE had 180+

Although we only had 25 entrants for the tournament, there were so many casuals players playing ST today. I wish back in the days arcades are free :slight_smile:

Due to lack of sleep and waking up early, my immune system was very weak and with shit tons of people cramming inside that ball room, I caught a sorethroat and now a runny nose. The air circulation was really bad with so many people… but tomorrow might be worst since people will bring their whole family to watch final (when it is free).

I’ll see you guys again in a few hours for team battles and more casuals!

Good shit Fudd! See you guys at Evo :slight_smile:

ggs guys! Hope we can do it again…

Ggs to everyone I played and talk to. I am hungry to play again and getting better, hopefully everyone else is too.
I dont think imma make it out to the team tourney today, I feel sick, I have a very sore throat. Papasi, if you still have my raffle tickets, can you make sure if I win to hold my prize?

Ditto papasi =) Thanks for holding down! I also have a sore throat for some reason also? It should be the Nor Cal Sore throat edition lol

Thanks for hosting another ST side-tournament. Shoutouts to Fudd, Papasi and Mizuki for all their contributions.

*Fudd - where will we be able to view the matches recorded today?
*Mizuki - Chun mirror matches are godlike.
*Laugh - CE Bison is serious business.

Birthday boy Kevin.

Yeah man, saturday is brutal with no air circulation. I think we should let choi knows that they should look into another venue next time… or at least have the hotel look into the problem.

The sore throat is killing me but I promised everyone to have casuals today. Luckily today there weren’t as many people and we have the whole corners all to ourselves. Ran a 8 teams 2v2 and then a age team battle. Young team won because we lost our Ace laugh when infiltration’s ae match is up.

I gave all the tickets to fudd and fudd gave them to his friend who is sitting at the front. We can’t really hear it from the back. Apparently none of us win, or at least no one told us.

GGS to everyone who I played with today - bitkid, ultra, fudd, mr igloo, georam, kevin, laugh, mizuki, johnny, aaron, philip, thrust. I might missed some of your names though.

fudd is so hardcore he wouldn’t even leave to eat dinner. good luck with your training session and also sbo qual.

Yeah ggs and late Happy birthday.

Thanks again to choi, bitkid and fudd to making this happen.

lol @ daigo running directly to his other matches after grand final. he doesn’t seem to want the money :slight_smile: Well he’s giving away all 3 of his sticks to NCR. That’s very generous of him.

I don’t understand how two hadoukens can stun me on separate occasions.

I had a super awesome amazing fun adventure time these last two days, thanks to bitkid, papasi and fudd for making this whole thing happen, good games to everyone I played. Paper I’m sorry you couldn’t stay at my place, my furnace was undergoing maintenance so I didn’t have a place for you to sleep.

Well, that was a fun weekend. I knew the turnout was gonna be less than Revelations, but at least SoCal is always well-represented by Calipower. And though we couldn’t get Justin, laugh, Nerdjosh, etc in our ST tournament, the competition was definitely still there. I’m happy that some GGPO people came out to play and hopefully we can get more ST going in NorCal in the near future.

Thank you to everyone who played Street Fighter II and watched the stream this weekend :slight_smile:

I’ll have them up on my Youtube channel soon enough

Was reviewing some of the stream footage last night with ultracombo. I think mizuki did a great job. There are some funny moments in there too. (PS somehow keits posted the super turbo stream footage on front page NCR results

I missed the blanka corner super followed up by a jump back RH combo by mr igloo!

Also, can you guys give us some feedback on the way we ran the bracket?

i.e. using post-it to keep track of all the current matches and hand it to the players so they know who are they going to play next. and also using it to communicate to the judge with the result.


PPS daigo loves st fierce xx super


and part2 1:00:30

Too many things to say but mostly wanted to thank Fudd, Papasi, Bitkid, Mizuki and everyone else who helped with the tournament.

And big respect to Reign for beasting with Blanka and sticking to his guns against Daigo.

It was too fun and it was just great playing ST with everyone… See you all at EVO hopefully!

I just wanted to say thank you to Fudd, Papasi, and Mizuki for all their contributions in running a successful ST tournament. As well as to Bitkid for letting us use his cab for the entire two days. GGS to everyone I played at NCR, the competition was great and I had a lot of fun. I’m definitely looking forward to attending future tournaments. And hopefully we can find a location in Nor Cal to play casuals on a regular basis.

kevin vs mr. igloo on bitkid’s astro city cab
ultracombo also playing in the background

courtesy of