Can I record matches?
Can I record matches?
Absolutely. That’d actually save me a lot of trouble :tup:
Wireless is gunna suck. I’m going to have problems. Can I make it work? Yes, I can just like last year, but it will not be anywhere near the quality I want to produce.
[S]I won’t have overlays this year sadly, as I have a new laptop and I my wirecast doesn’t like 64 bit os. I will hopefully have dual commentary and everything. I wish I could make it happen with overlays and shit, but Xsplit doesn’t take audio from devices (only internally from the pc or pc mic) If someone can find me a program that can play back the video and audio and I’ll just screencap that window and feed it to the stream site.[/S]
I have newer Wirecast, everything works perfectly and cool. Can’t wait!!!
Also is there a door fee to get in to the venue itself even if I don’t play anything?
p.s. stream will be at same url as last NCR
p.s.s. I need a ride to the venue, I’m in Union City
i’ll be there as long as i can ride with someone, and sleep in their bed, and have said person make me breakfast.
Thanks @ Fudd
How would you guys like commentary. I can do play by play, but I feel that not everyone likes it, and it gets tiring. I can do analytic matchup based commentary, with color commentary on the side, or I can just do japanese style commentary talk once in awhile and go apeshit when something nuts goes on.
I am gonna be in the area this weekend. Hopefully can sneak out for a little bit for the tourney.
My cab has JLFs and Sanwa buttons.
you could stay with me, I’m going to be staying at ultracombos house.
word thanks ultra. i’ll bring extra weed for your parents.
I don’t think they smoke bro. We just need to try to keep the place clean while we’re there. Papasi gave me the address, so we just need to show up. I think we should bring our own food so we aren’t being too much of a hassle. Its already cool enough that he’s letting us stay.
I don’t think there were any major complaints with your commentary last time, were there? Since you’re operating the stream, I think you can go about commentary in your own way as long as it’s tasteful.
Bitkid and I will try to setup the cab tonight at around 9:30pm ~ 11pm at the ballroom.
We’ll try to setup a stream
URL would be
I’ll probably be on ggpo the whole time saturday (but won’t have much time to read the chat logs)
looks like i can’t make it. i’ll be watching the stream though.
mizuki is streaming right now
no he’s not. liar.
k it is. who is playing right now? why don’t you guys turn on the ustream chat?
valle & daigo in winners final.
loser will fight fudd in losers final