Hello all I am creating this thread to let people know that we have been running ST tournaments at our monthlies in Milwaukee. Next tourney is Sunday June 10th. Below is the info.
WHAT:SUPER Summer Slam 2
WHEN:Sunday June 10th event begins at 12PM with tourneys starting at 1PM
WHERE:Romine’s High Pockets 6125 S. 27th St. Milwaukee,WI
HOW:We run the original CPS2 version of the game SSF2X on a Supergun with 2 Sanwa sticks
OTHER DETAILS:Reg fee is only $2 at the moment if more people start to enter these games I will switch to $5. We also will be running Vampire Savior(CPS2) and Street Fighter Zero 2(CPS2)
In addition to the monthly tournaments I will also be hosting biweekly ranbats for ST,VSav and Zero 2. These will be held at my home in Waukesha AKA The Rape Dungeon. Games will be run on my Blast City cab and on Astro City head to head cabs. Matches from the Astro City will be streamed. I will update this thread with new info as we get the details sorted out. If there are any questions don’t hesitate to post in here or PM me.