ST Remix "Scrub Killer" Tournament CANCELLED

id like to join sign me up!

Gah, looks like I’m gonna have to pass on this one this time, my previous commitment is a go and I don’t think I’ll make it home in time for the tourney…

I AM a scrub!! (“so dont throw me, otherwise i will hate mail you and tell you how much of a pathetic excuse of a player you are and then I shall invite you to play me again, but only under the condition that you do NOT throw me, and/or pwn, or attack me in any way, lest I drop the game”***** MAXX-PLATINUM)*

rats, I’d sign up but i dont get home till 11 PM MST :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I’m down to play. Add me plz

I’ll definitely be there if I’m off (I should be)

“Scrub Killer”

blitzfu, sign me up please!


Cancelled, due to not enough players.

gay I was thinkin 7 not 6 my time for some reason D;

Fuuuuck, I’m really sorry I wasn’t there guys. I know how lame it is when you try and put something together and nobody shows. Unforseen real-life complications.