ST players list

Hi all, i am making a webpage of all ST players in the world divided by country and character i know only some ST players in USA as Sirlin, NKI, Alex Valle, John Choi… but just that, so if you want join the list just post here with your nickname you use for playing ST, your main character, your country and if want the city where do you live.

just like this sample:

Taira - dictator - Japan-Tokyo

If you dont have a main character but you use to play counterplay character just put cp instead of the character name.

Thanks for your cooperation

I already made a Worldwide Player Index a few months ago. I did it not only for ST, but also for AE, A3, GGXXAC and HNK.

Ehonda - Ehonda - Philly - USA

cool and where is this webpage, i want to take a look!

I’ll put up the links by Monday afternoon, I’m gonna update them all.

Here it is.

ok thank you if u want to add this is the list of the italian player, in the (…) if they use the old version and if i know the city of that player.

BALROG (claw)


Bucciarello (Firenze)

Simoncino (O.Ken)

Er Nettezza (O.Sagat)(Roma), SpinalBlood (Milano)

Fugo (Firenze), Manrico , 5 (Firenze/Osaka)

huge credits for psychochronic for the link & denki for the thread.

There will be more. I’m thinking of adding info such as exact city and major tournament results.

<== This guy right here

I play this video game

SentientProgram O.Sagat/Blanka Virginia

Airthrow-Boxer, Seattle, Washington USA :tup: