ST Image Thread

Aight I like to read about ST, watch ST, play ST, talk about ST and look at ST.

I’m pretty new to this image cature stuff so these are pretty basic. I’ll update with more when time allows and Im gonna take a look at Maj’s Screen Cap Tut for more advanced stuff.

Depends if people dig this thread or not too so if you like the idea, gimme a post and I’ll keep updating.

Also if people wanna contribute, be my guest. The more ST images the merrier.

DJfrijoles… vamos hablar en español y todos se van a quedar “ah?” xD a mi me gustan mucho los chilaquiles, me encanta la comida mexicana, lo proximo que digo no tiene sentido y ando desvelado, quisiera ser diputado, trabajar poco y ganar mucho xD

I like Ken in purple gi, dark blue and original red gi.

Why your blitter options are so pixeled?, super eagle filter ftw!

jajaja rola lo que fumaste para andar igual que no ???

These were from my Dreamcast Emulator so I don’t know how to mess with the blitters on it. I used that emu so I could use the boss stages easily. Vegas for the win !