When we all eventually become old, grey, and bald who will be nominated to enter the ST hall of fame. Who will be your top 10 American players in the Hall. Here are my picks. There are more than 10 deserving members as of now i know this but who would you consider the best of the best or who have done the most for the game ( as players) Here are mine in no specific order.
Alex W
Graham W
Jason Cole
Seth Killian
Jason Wilson
Jason Nelson
David Sirlin
Nki, Painter, Romedy, Jeff S, etc… all get votes as well. But my oh my there are just so many to choose from. Is there any coincidence that just about everyone on the list is from WC. Lets here from everyone on this.
Ehonda - Instead of bickering about whether Seth Killian is more of an HoF candidate than Mike Watson, whether Jason Wilson should be mentioned before Tomo, NKI over Justin, etc, do you think you could write some Honda strategy for the wiki? Raisin had been doing some nice work in the spring but it’s been collecting dust since he split.
I’m talking break downs of specific match-ups. A few sections have some really juicy stuff in them (Chun, Blanka, Fei) but most are pretty bare.
Honda’s more interesting matchups – Dhalsim, Chun, Barlog, Guile – would be what I’d be most curious about. (side note: even though I’ve watched a lot of videos plus Comeback v Rambo in person, Honda vs. Dhalsim is a real mystery to me.) I think other people would appreciate the counter picker/counter pickee stuff like Ryu, DeeJay, Vega, Bison.
Yes sorry i forgot Watson. sorry. He should be in there. Too many names to remember. Wilson should stay for what he has done for the SF community such as his writings and his contributions to helping the SF scene grow as well as his ability to Play all characters at a high level. J.Beasly is a great candidate as well. Tomo was the original great but is he an ST great?
As for the Wiki i tried to do that on numerous occasions but i cannot access it. Here is a Brief summary of a few matchups. Sim vs Honda I have played over 1000 Matches against Spence. this match is much more even then you’d think But in my exp Honda can win this. Ill MM just about anyone in this matchup. To long to summarize the matchup.
Fei can win but it is a tough matchup. You need a Good Psychic DP. and he is also able to cross Honda up with J.F.K and Honda cannot J.head butt this move. Perhaps its a glitch but it does work. Ive played many good Fei’s Jason D (fortune cookie Xband) and Masakas. Ive always done well.
Chun is a tough battle advantage to Chun… NKIs Chun =Danagerous. He is very good at lulling you into a false sense of security. He will bait you then pounce when the time is right. But this isn’t a player synopsis. Honda needs to get inside and bait her into a jumpin. But she does not need to jump… ever. Pray that you get first hit.
vs Vega turtle getting first hit is key, also staying in the corner is a must DO NOT Get into the center of the screen. Jumpback Jab vs wall dives is best.
vs Bison i prefer cornering him then Pound him with hands and Ochico corner trap.
Vs Rog blah… tough match use lots of fakes attempt to bait him into a dash then jab or splash or headbutt it (when possible…timing is tough). Trying to Oc throw him out of a Dash as well. very safe move at worst you block the dash.
Vs Ryu Dj Ken sagat etc… too long to go into that here.
vs Guile again to tough to go into here.
vs Blanka Gief Thawk Cammy TURTLE, TURTLE, TURTLE.
PS Spence and I will do a 10 match Sim vs Honda at NEC if you’d like, to show you that matchup.
I could cut and paste stuff to the wiki if you want. Never used it before but I just got rid of some spam this afternoon. I think I might post some anti-blanka items. Also I’d like to cut and paste what CapMaster has written about vega.
Dunno about MMs but hopefully Arturo will take a break from Arcana and get a couple sim matches in.
I ain’t messing with fei vs. honda. Blanka vs. honda can get frustrating but fei wow no thank you. Gotta respect people who have the patience to play that match.
I’ve never been to NEC not sure how chaotic it’s going to be. I hope I can catch up with you guys at University Pinball sometime now that they have an ST machine.