ST facebook group

ST represent on facebook! Gotta have more members than the Hyper Fighting group.

Yo whatup zass are u that whiteguy who i met at evoworlds this year that decided to sleep instead of go on a beer run with fishjie, xtg, the epidemic, pablo, umbrellastyle n me? n if that was you i remember u had a really good claw and was the only one able to compete with tokido in casuals? LOL

When i get my facebook up n running i’ll postup here…sooo many ppl wrote on my highschool yearbook i should get a facebook lol guess it’s damn time.

heh i joined! :bgrin:

I joined. Guess which one I am.

I’m in.

Yep that was me :slight_smile:

I nominate myself to be an officer.

I nominate myself to be a Canadian officer. The profile pic is me holding a belt. :lovin:

Hey guys can I join too or is it only for super mega unbeatable pros ?

I wanna be in it too!!

But Im beatable lol.

i joined!

Group is open to all

I just joined.

Count me in as well.

BTW I’m not shy so I started a topic and graffitied that bitch up so post away my ppl!!!
:wonder: :confused: :sad: :lovin: :angel: :wgrin: :rolleyes: :looney: :arazz: :wink: :rofl: :lol: :sweat: :annoy: :wasted:

Craig Stevens is mah name

Joined, forgot this thread existed :chat:

I’m in on this too!