ST/AE Worldwide Player Index

Similar to what TheShend has made for 3S and Sage made for CvS2, I’ve been meaning to make a player index in Notepad of ST players around the world after T8 has finished. Since I have some time on my hands, I’ve decided to do ST also with AE, with both of them being 2 seperate files. I just finished this last night (along with 5 other player indexes) and found information around SRK.



I know I’m missing names so please help out whatever info you can. :tup:

we could give a shit about AE. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh. Just did it for fun.

Shirts is actually West Coast, not South.

It’ll be fixed and will be updated before morning.

Wow this is really shaping up. Nice work, Psycho.

EDIT I don’t know what region he’s from (east coast?) but also:
-JetPhi (Fei-Long, Ryu)

Thanks bud. List updated. :tup:

I’m bored so I thought I’d make some corrections and observations.

David Doyle’s main is Ryu but look out for his Dhalsim at Evo.
Mike Creque’s main is Cammy
Pete Talley’s main is Dictator
Henry Cen also plays Dhalsim and T-Hawk.

As for myself, I only play O-Hawk in casuals (I play everyone in casual :razzy: )

JetPhi is from NJ.

Players to add to the EC list.

Todd Dwyer (Honda, Dhalsim, Ryu)
Chris Li (Honda, O-Sagat)
Dave Spence (Dhalsim, Honda)
Mike Turner (O-Ken)

and finally

nohoho (Blanka) Seriously, how are you going to forget to put yourself on the list. :lol:

Nestor uses O.Sagat/Balrog, not Claw eww.

Shag - step 1: fix ctf machine. step 2: rope those guys you list in for a tourney this winter some time

Sage - Did you get my PM? Are you going to check out Hyper Mania? FWIW, I think there’s a CvS2 tourney @ Mikado right before the HSF event…

Yea thanks for letting me know. I want to play in the HSF tourney but i already promised to go to a cvs2 after-party. You know i cant pass up on food, drinking and bitches (not sure about the bitches part)!

Shag: Thanks. I put Spence’s name on the Canada (ON/PQ) section because he’s Canadian.

Nohoho: I also made a VS index. It’s not really that big but I gave it a try. If you wanna post the indexes on your blog, go right ahead. :tup:

The ST list isn’t working… But thanks for adding me in Nohoho. And I think JetPhi is from Jersey/North East.


wow im know in st now thats awsome hehe EC owns all

Bump so people can actually see this.

Edit: Also, for the japanese players you forgot to add Inro. She uses O.Chun

Since when does wall use guile? He uses honda ryu claw.

I’ll edit that part. I saw him use Guile in a few matches at T7.


this is pretty cool thread.

Midwest section
SaDo (DeeJay)
Jeffery Syruu (T.Hawk, Blanka)
Digitalbooty (Ryu and ask him who else, i forget…)
Lucky Chris (N Ken, O Ken)
Amadeus Williams (O Sagat)
Brock Adcock (Ken, Cammy) *and yea thats his real name :wgrin:

a few others i cant remember at the moment, KY IN THE HOUSE!!!11one

Edit- and i also play DeeJay in AE, you wanna fight about it? lol