SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Viper won’t be hurting until they decide to make her BK’s -3 or more on block. The good ones will adjust and land the single extra mixup to win.

you guys realize that there are lots of matches which come down to “one more mixup” to win the match? the difference between landing one more mixup is often the difference between winning and losing.

Sure but Viper is still one of the best at doing that

Cody is solid but his lack of defensive options will turn a lot of players off especially those who don’t like to block (read won’t block) & will keep him out of the top 5. Don’t get me wrong he’s a decent character but he doesn’t really have any bullshit.

Oni like Cody won’t appeal to the top players too much unsafe shit, terrible fireball game, also needs a solid defence as his srk is non fadcable.

All the characters you mentioned may go up but i can’t see any breaking the top 5.

Oni will be better than he was but def not top 5 I agree.

Thats right, and she has to get into the position to land one more mixup too, which isnt as hard for her, but it still counts. Balance is very delicate, as we learned from the last 2 tries. She wont be hurting, but should move a little.

its probably more on microsoft/sony’s end, it takes forever for patches to go through

Her damage is exactly what made her dangerous. If damage wasn’t a factor then El Fuerte would also be a top tier character. Viper can easily win matches without stunning the opponent.

I don’t know why people are so eager to overlook damage nerfs/buffs. They play a big role in games where damage is low on average. I’m thrilled that 2 of the chars I play regularly got slight damage buffs. Like I said many times before, if it’s a slight change on a tool that gets used regularly, then on the whole it’s actually quite a significant change.

Gat aint winning shit if Gouki or Viper are around and if he does win then please believe for everyone one of his wins they won 5 more tournies then him.

Try and downplay it if you want. Cody is already pretty friggin good in AE and he’s only getting a laundry list of buffs. He’s gonna be really, REALLY good. Who needs to block when all your moves cause a billion years of blockstun?

If you enter a tournament using Cody & you get knocked down you’ll be going home if your defensive skills aren’t on point, that’s an unnattractive proposition to a large section of the player base. Your moves causing a billion years of block stun don’t help when you’ve been knocked down, I wasn’t downplaying it, I said he’s good but not top 5.

I must say that on paper, AE12 looks like it’s gonna be very good w/regards to balance. There’s no clear top tier characters and if you ask 10 different people they’ll give you 10 different top 10s is a pretty telling sign its a pretty damn good job. I don’t care about making a personal top 10 since I hope and think there’s 15-20 viable characters where 1 and 20 aren’t that far apart.

viper not going anywhere? she is going up. like, to the top.

fei is going to have a little more trouble in general.
yun is going to feel the pain of his nerfs in quite a few match ups (especially against viper)
akuma loses mix ups and some of his match ups are shifting a bit with the new fst.HK.
yang? who?

no match ups have suddenly become bad. her bad match ups aren’t moving too much either. like one more mix up (doesn’t even need to be converted into an additional combo) and going to be seeing tk feints more. won’t be a clear s+ character like fei/yang/yun but likely still going to be the best.

still, the balance 2012 brings is pretty impressive. feels like anyone can put in enough work and win now, even if some characters have to put in more than others (except elf, sorry.)

I think what you’re describing here is a big problem with the FGC as of late: nobody wants to learn how to block. Just learn to play some defense and Cody is a very dangerous character. Faster walkspeed is going to be really, REALLY big.

the reason why defense has been falling by the wayside as a skill is because SF4 rewards you too often for having a scrubby defense. if 50% of the time, your mashed uppercut leads you to victory, you won’t be failing enough to look hard at why you are failing.

She has obviously been buffed and her bad matchups have all been nerfed. Right ?

Cody is definately very dangerous, if you get his double 1 frame link combo’s down & his counterhit set ups into Ultra 2 you unlock his damage potential, top notch anti-airs, good normals, his bad defensive options are what balances him as a character. I just don’t see any character getting into the top 5 in this engine without a decent reversal / backdash.

the hong kong trio got hit with a baseball bat and viper got hit with a twig

oh god what are we going to do, no more ultra off of a failed tick throw

Sagat, Viper and Akuma will be top 5. Cody will only be top 10. He is still lacking metagame tools

Yun, Yang, Fei, Viper, Sagat did the best overall (in Japan for the most part) and were most likely the top 5.
Other strong viable characters were Seth, Makoto, Akuma, Ken and Gief . TOh , and Sakura
If the US players and majors who essentially kept playing Super are counted, you have Rufus, Boxer or even Guile. Let’s not forget Cody winning SB.
So yeah, if just 10 characters are strong/viable, not much changes.
I guess you just want a less prominent/dominating top tier.