SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

It’s cool. I understand why you guys are upset, but this is the train capcom is on. Gettin rid of mix-ups and dumbing things down. Making the game’s vortex’s tamer and tamer, which is probably the one really cool thing about SF4. The knockdown momentum.

In what world does anyone say “some” and mean 90%?

In 2012 Akuma will beat Sagat, Zangief, Fei Long, Chun Li, and Abel. How many other charters will beat that much of the top 10?.

I quoted the wrong post.

Akuma will not beat Fei. Fei didn’t get enough nerfs to even remotely justify saying that. As it was Akuma is very limited in his Pokes against Fei. Akuma’s s.HK is now nerfed which means that Fei has the advantage in the poking war unless there were changes to Fei I haven’t seen. Pressuring Fei on wake up hasn’t changed so all in all the match up probably hasn’t changed a ton.

I also don’t know if Yun and Yang won’t still be bad match ups or not. I will have to wait and see.

you know the general consensus is that akuma beats fei now right?

that matchup chart that floated around had it as feis worst match, and mago has said since super that akuma was one of feis hardest matches

Sorry if the question was already posted, any news about loctests ? When it ends ?

If that match is 9-1, then Yun vs. Sim is 10-0.

The ex upball change allows Hawk to capitalize off his occasional knockdowns, though he’s still going to be forced to guess on them and do a lot of empty jumps/blocking to try to bait ex upball.

Since Akuma players obviously don’t like their new st.HK, I would like to offer them to propose to Capcom an exchange of his st.HK with Gen’s 5f start-up crane st.HK. The 2nd kick hits most crouchers btw.

To stay on topic though, it’ll make Akuma players to be more careful to throw out far st.HK against Zangief, Hawk or anyone to whom it hits twice (iirc for ANY distance 2 hits should apply to gief abel hakan and gen). Of course spammers would get punished currently, but that’s still a guess, not a reaction, unless Akuma managed to misspace his 1st kick. Ppl also seem to occasionally forget that not everyone has a DP. UltraDavid seemed to describe the st.HK effect the best.

Location tests are over. Capcom should be posting the final changes soon enough.

When both characters are upright Fei beats everything Akuma does. Akuma has to get the knock down. I’ve played too many good Fei’s to believe it is in Akuma’s favor. Even Tokido agreed with me on that.

Akuma has to work hard to get the knockdown in that match up. Once he gets the knockdown though Fei has trouble getting up.

"not everyone has a dp"
I just remembered how some players think that Akuma’s demonflip grab/dive/palm mixup is fair, just because some can reversal it.
What I like about this mixup is how most characters aren’t able to punish it if they read correctly.

and i play an akuma who is probrablly top 3 akumas in the US.

but im not citing personal matches, just telling you what the jap tier list and the best fei in the world think

IMO if you play hit and run until you find a whiff punish sweep, match is slightly in akumas favor.

-fei cant duck far rh, and has below average walk speed
-hard to space safe rekkas against akumas mobility
-no more sweep punish after akuma gets ultra

match isnt automaticlly in feis favor because you cant spam sweeps and fei has a good follow up to blocked rh. you could just backdash or do nothing and whiff punish the low jab rekka attempt

you still have to consider that akuma controlls the space on screen much better than fei can. this is kinda why i dont understand what akuma players mean when they say ryu and ken have better footsies. as fei, i can basiclly maul ryu and ken on the ground. its not close to the same fighting akuma

Bullshit. If I go for the throw it is punishable as all hell. Even Gief and T-Hawk can punish it. If your character can’t then that is a problem with your character.

Seriously people the only option that is truly safe is the Safe Jumps. Every other option is risky and has to be used carefully.

Yes and no. Back dashing as Akuma can get your killed if you use it too much. Akuma’s back dash can’t usually move you far enough out of range of Fei’s Rekkas. IMO a Fei playing good Footsies will beat out an Akuma playing good footsies. What changes the match up is when Akuma does get the knockdown he can apply a lot of pressure to Fei.

Also I should note from the right distance Fei can make the s.HK whiff on the second hit. Akuma has to use to closer than many match ups. Not to mention there is a weird glitch with Fei’s hit boxes that makes it so c.MK > Anything doesn’t combo against Fei from distances that it combos against most characters.

Not to ask you to name drop, but can you name the #3 Akuma? Because after Perfect Legend and JR there is a massive log jam of Akuma players.

You do know that his was nerfed from vanilla to AE and it’s not even back at its original values?

It ended last Sunday.

re: ex demon ex fireball

someone told me that the fireballs trajectory is as if youre doing lp and mp air fireball at the same time. thats how he felt at least.

I hope that “punishable as all hell” for Demon Grab is not the same case as EX Psycho or EX Headbutt, which requires certain moves(sometimes EX or Ultras), and Option Selects.

i have been playing perfect legend since vanilla. shit, last week i think we played from about 9am till 12 almost every day in a 2 man room.

for the record he crushed me for the most part, but im just getting back to fei on an exclusive basis for what its worth. so i miss a lot of sweep punishes, and my timing on jab rekka after hk had me eating counterhits into sweep

Its hitbox is superior in AE over its previous iterations even if the damage sucks.

So in the last page…

  • UltraDavid comes in and says some truth that goes argued or unheard by the people who need to hear it
  • Akuma players think the sky is falling when it clearly isn’t
  • EmblemLord shows up out of nowhere so he can talk about Sagat nerfs that weren’t even being discussed at the time

Seems like par for the course around here.

It’s hitbox didn’t change from Super to AE FYI they just played with the damage values on the boxes. Also its hitbox for AA purposes kinda sucks in the fact it will trade 9 out of 10 times. That’s why having the damage so low is kind of a bad thing, it just near guarantees a bad trade. Bison’s only other move for AA has a tendency to trade as well but is even worse because of how slow it is.