GT; SmoothKatt
add me and get beat up thanks
GT; SmoothKatt
add me and get beat up thanks
Gamertag: Throwdown462
Characters: Guile/Ryu/a little bit of Cammy
Controller: Hori EX2 stock
I’m a scrub so take it easy.
GT: VangardB
Character: DeeJay
Controller: 360 Controller
GT: topmato
Characters: sim
Controller: sc4 hori
topknot on ggpo
GT: SomnS
Sagat, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and some Fei Long.
I’ve been playing a lot lately, but no one ever talks in player matches, haha.
GT: to the left
Sagat, Boxer. Mess with Guile, Bison, Dhalsim and 'Gief(when I get a stick).
Crappy 360 pad
GT: Jfrisco
Chars: Ryu/Ken/balrog
using a hori stick
Gamertag: Raakam
Characters: still undecided, trying to pick a main still. Looking like Dictator and T Hawk for now.
360 controller - bought a Gamestop controller with a better D Pad, trying to see if that’ll work.
Gamertag: ArkOfTurus
Chars: Dee Jay, mainly. Boxer/Claw/Sim/Gief when I feel like switching it up.
Controller: Pad, for now.
Been doing very well in ranked matches recently, but I think that has more to do with luck of the draw than anything. Hopefully I can get in a few matches with you all and fix that.
GT: Baduk Bob
Char: Guile
Using a Hori stick
Beware, Zoolanderbeast will quit on you if he’s about to lose a ranked match.
Add me if you like getting knee bashed :karate:
gt: mike and stuff
char: ryu,gief
stick: ex2 w/ oct gate and bat top and sanwa buttons when the ex2 buttons go out (not looking forward to the soldering, i suck!)
GT: Serge TSF
char: Balrog, Vega, Dhalsim. Zangief coming soon
Stick: Hori EX2 (however as of yesterday my fucking fierce punch sticks, boo)
picked this up for the 360 now
GT:Worthless Scrub
Playing Chun as my main character.
GT: Himmel561
Characters: Boxer
Controller: Hori EX2
Okay I just added everyone who has posted here so far to my friends list. Try and log on an accept within the next day or so cause I have a TON of pending requests on my friends page, and it makes navigation a bit of a pain.
For serious?! What a nerd!
GT: High Pontifex
Characters: Chun Li, Vega, Blanka