SSFIIT HDR Matchmaking

GT: Rodchan
Characters: Any charge character
Controller: Hori Fighting stick EX2

GT: MonGoloRoboKop
characters: Chun, and honda but chun mostly
Controller: Dead or Alive Hori Stick

GT: Looptron
Chars: Honda, Sagat, Anyone
Controller: Regular X360 pad soon to be hacked Wii Hori

GT: zombie cpt
Chars: ?
Controller: HORI ex 2

GT:Sion Atlasia
Char: Honda, Cammy,Chun
Stick: Doa 4 hori ( need to mod )

XBL Gamertag: Str0ngStyle
Characters: Have not decided yet. Gotta wait til Friday unless someone has a code for 100 MS points
Controller: Hori VF5 Stick

XBL Gamertag: PimpWillyMNSk8
Characters: Dee Jay, Honda
Controller: Custom Hori/Custom Pelican

XBL Gamertag: Lilman984
Characters: Shotos
Controller: Stock 360 pad.

GT: UncleBuck26
Characters: Vega(claw) Dee Jay, Honda
Controller: arthritis inducing 360 pad for now.

gt- hey yo idiot
characters-t hawk,chun,blanka

GT: oldboygouki
Characters: Deejay, Fei Long, Chun, Blanka
Controller: Stick

I need to fight more SRK people. :frowning: The competition’s not as good as it was on GGPO except in the ranked matches.

Tag: Shin Hogosha
Characters: DeeJay (main), Claw (secondary), Cammy (training)
Controller: DOA4 stick

Think I’ve played a few of you already in Ranked, though I might’ve scrubbed out with random characters and will continue to do so until I get my achievement (like against Pimp Willy with Boxer and Dhalsim). So expect to win if I’m not playing any of the ones listed above. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

tag: inferno625
characters: hawk, fei, gief
stick: sc4 stick.

Tag: Cla The Ninja
Chars: Mostly Cammy, but also ok with Fei Long, Ryu, Ken, Guile, and Chun-Li.
Controller: Hori Fighting Stick EX2

tag: danyoneezy
chars: everyone with the exception of fei and
controller: shitty xbox pad

gamertag : beelzebubble
characters : ryu>>>deejay
controller : scIV stick

im bout to hop on for a little while
send a message / invite to inferno625 if anyone on here is down.
not ranked either…i cant get on there for whatever reason

Tag: GrandMasterJude
Characters: Honda
Controller: EX2

gg’s dragonjab and kyjellydonut and anyone else ive played.

GT: ravaii
Characters: Zangief
Controller: DoA4 stick

crazychickenchef on ggpo