SSFIIT HDR Matchmaking

Gamertag: Nayxsayer
Main: Ryu
Alt: Vega, Chun-Li
Controller: X-box 360 Controller (D-Pad)
SKill: People have mentioned my name (ExposedD, MisterEgoTrip)

LOL, well only cause you mentioned me first. Welcome aboard SRK!

Haha, ExposedD told me about the GG’s you gave me, figured I might as well join up.

Good Honda btw, I look foward to future matches.

I was a ryuplayer … Now i’m a bisonplayer … I’m using the d-pad … My country is cold

GT: kingjeff707
Main: RED ken
Alts: hawk, blanka, chun, cammy, honda, ryu, akuma
Controller: Xbox 360 controller
Skill: uppercut, some combos, some tricks, reversals

handle: hundo12
main: bison and bison
controller: programmable pad. LoL. Mvc TE stick
skill: none


GT: Venomous01

main: DeeJay

Alts: Bison, Honda, Ken, Blanka, Guile, Zangief

Controler: Hori Ex 2 Arcade Stick/ Xbox 360

Skill: Know my good basic stuff for all my characters, been playing for a long time now. Know some good combos.

Other Stuff: Want to find some good players to go against. Trying to get better, tired to annoying droppers on xbox live. Want to play against some serious players.

GT: ironlungz13 . other GT jayypee12

main: Zangief

Alts: Blanka

Controller: sf4 pad

Skill: average

I want to play against more zangief players to develop my skills and learn new combos. I enjoy all match ups except vega.

bro, ur bison is sick now compared to when we played a few months back. my thawk got better too though. GGs everytime we play for sure.

Main: Ryu, Thawk
Alts: ken, gief, fei, camy
controller: sf4 te stick(no turbo)
skill: ppl say i’m cheap, i manage to get more wins then loses. nothing special.

Thanks bro !
I’d say that my Bison is close 2 perfection now … I could practice more at cornertraps though.
AND … I’m probably gonna buy a arcadestick soon.
They say that d-pad players are in a great disadvantage. And i’m guessing that it’s true.

Anyways… It’s good 2 c you here.
Send me a invite whenever ! :china:

holy shit its on. ^^ i must see this perfect bison.

havent played u in a while. we need some more games if i can manage to get some time. fuckin life always in the way of sf…some bullshit

heheh :sweat: yeah !
I haven’t seen u logged in forever. Whatever it is ur doing ,stop it and come play some HDR !!!1

XBL GamerTag: staRtYp3D
Your Characters: Rog, DJ
Controller: Stick
Skill: dunno
Yeah, so I’m a little late on this and I’ve been looking to play higher level people, but only when I got my own basic knowledge down. Looking for some good games.

XBL GamerTag: Ashieteru
Your Characters: Ken, Zangief, Akuma, Fei Long
Controller: Xbox 360 controller, (don’t worry I can actually do some pretty amazingness with it =) )

You can add me and invite me to games whenever

xbl gt: RoTb Wicked
main:honda,bison(tryin to learn him =])
controller: TE
skill: not much

GT: KorpseKommando
Chars: Guile, Honda, Vega
controller: Xbox pad
Skill: got the basics down

GT: BLiNKy78
Location: Florence, Alabama
Chars: Ken, Chun-Li, Boxer, Dictator
Controller: Marvel TE
Skill: Super Turbo isn’t my best game

GT: Island Spiice
Location: Seattle, WA
Chars: Ken
Controller: TE Stick
Skill: Decent… need more matchup knowledge

GT: delirium83
Loc: NY
Chars: Dictator
Controller: TE
Skill: Low-ish … just picked up HDR this weekend; have SF4 experience but minimal ST experience.