SSFIIT HDR Matchmaking

GT: De Mavrick
Main: Bison, Dee Jay, Chun LI
Alts: Ken, Guile
Controller: Street Fighter Anniversary Stick, TE Fight Stick(Hate It) and Hori EX2 stick
Skill: Not really that good at all but, I’m Learning (THUMBS UP)


GT: GameOva504
Controller: TE Stick/SE Stick
Skill: You Tell Me

(P.S. Ready to play ANY TIME)

GT: Daman1009
Main: Bison
Alt: Dee Jay
Controller: Stick
Location: Texas
Playtime: 5pm - 11pm (week days)
Random Times (Weekend)

I’m on the west coast (WA) and really want to play some good new people in HDR (I am pretty decent). My friendslist is full of SFIV players, I want to regularly play with some people in HDR. I’ll be online all night sooooo uh, add me? :karate:

I use everybody but business characters are Bailrag, T. Hawk and Ken.

Add me man, I’ve wanted to get some games with you for a while. I’m going to play 4 tonight, but I’ll be playing remix tomorrow night.

All lies, my life is a lie and this is too. Didnt you kick my face in with dictator like a few weeks ago:arazz: anyway back on topic

Main: Fei Long(all day everyday since ST)
Alternates: DeeJay and Zangief
Controller: TE Fight Stick and 360 controller
Skill: N00b because all i do is throw with Zangief lol.

Gt: Satyer
Mains: Ryu
Controller: Te stick
Skill: noob

I’m on right now.

Mains:Bison,dee jay
Secondaries:Guile and ryu
Controller:Hori ex 2
Skill:Good combos but i have to get a better defense.


Mains: Chun, ryu, bison

Secondaries: Ken, Sim, blanka

Controller: Hori fighting

Skill: I dunno, prolly average on here.

GT: Gafgariowned

Main: Balrog
Alternate: my deejay sucks
Controller: 360 controller
Skill: Extremely Poor

I am getting bored with ranked. Player matches takes too long to get a game when you keep losing. Hit me up for some friendly matches.

GT - spoonztt

Main: Balrog
Alternate: Sometimes DeeJay or Ryu
Controller: DOA4 Hori
Skill: Intermediate I guess prolly worse.

GT: Xurkey
Main: Blanka
Alternate: Dhalsim, Dee Jay (I rarely bring them out)
Controller: Sanwa modded SFIV SE Fightstick
Skill: Above average

I would like anyone who believes they got some serious skill to challenge me. I’m always looking to improve by playing the best!


GT: Sodapizop
Main: Ken
Alternate: Chun li, Dee Jay, Blanka, Ryu, Vega (latley)
Controller: Xbox 360 Controller :x
Skill: Average

Got my xbox live back after a buying spree of car parts prevented me, but id like to get some games in with people so add me if you like.

LIVE GT: dikrodnum
MAIN: DeeJay
ALTS: n/a
STICK: Modded MC TE (Sanwa Stick/ Semitsu Buttons)

I have been playing randoms online and have had a mix bag of either slighty good or ‘masters’…looking to get some games in with good players who can help me out with match ups. So hit me up…

Gamertag - RoyalPhlush

Characters- Ryu, Sagat, Ken, Fei Long, Cammy, Zangief, T. Hawk

Controller - Wireless 360 (Analog)

Gamertag- MilitaryPolicia

Main- I’m an up and coming Blanka

Alternate- Ken, Dee Jay, Sagat, Bison, Guile.

Controller- SF4 Game pad I DO NOT USE TURBO. Military Police Corp’s Honor.

Gamertag - Sweet Poison

Characters- Dhalsim aka Darth Simicus

Controller - Sword of Omens aka Mad Catz TE Stick

Location - I live in the midwest. Omaha, NE so I tend to connect well against everyone as I am right smack in the middle of the U.S.

I am looking for Blanka players for my current quest to make Sim top tier as well as possibly going to EVO next year.

Phlush send me an invite again bro. I accidentally deleted people on my list a while back.

Also I am recording my matches so if you dont mind being put on youtube I am your guy. I personally use them to study to improve my gameplay as well as help others on what to do or what not to do.

Gamertag: Norieaga
Controller: 360 d-pad
Characters: Cammy (Good), Vega (Solid), Dee-Jay (Average)

GT - pncntigger

Main: Fei
Alternate: Ryu, Cammy, Gief, Guile, Dee Jay, Chun
Controller: TE
Skill: I can win a few