Gamer Tag: jameswalton101
Main Characters: Ryu and Guile
Alternate Characters: Dhalsim is my fun character. I also like random select.
Controller: Tournament Edition Stick
Skill Level: No comment
GamerTag: William209
Main: Vega
Alt Chars: Chun, Blanka, Honda
Controller: X Box 360 controller
Skill Level: C
Looking for practice opponents, love to fight and learn more during the fight.
add me!!! i love practicing with other players man. i’ll set up 2 man, 3 round wins, and infinite time rooms for us. u use chars I hate playing against, so I could definitely use the practice myself.
GT: MaggotSai
Main: Fei Long
Alternate: DeeJay
Controller: Standard 360 pad
Skill: An ok player
GT: Marsgatti2009
Main: Guile:wgrin:
Alts: Deejay and ken
Controller: Hori ex2 Arcade stick(all sanwa), SF4 SE Stick(Sanwa JLF, madcatz buttons), SC4 Stick(Unmodded)
Skill level: Meh D+ at best. Mostly any win i get is from luck lol
Just looking to improve and overall just have a good time. Godbless
GT: Look to the left
Main: Fei, Cammy
Secondaries: Dee Jay, Gief, Guile, Ken
Controller: TE Stick (PS3), Hori EX (borrowed)
Skill: you tell me
I tried adding the GT “Look to the left” as a friend on 360, but u were unavailable…LOL JK welcome to the 360 network. Less lagg, and less D/C
LOL :clapdos:
Thanks. Def less lag and only got DC’d once since I’ve been on. Lot’s more hatemail on XBL though lol
GT: True_Ol_School
Main: Guile, Dee Jay, Bison, Sagat
Secondaries: Zangief, T. Hawk, Ken, etc…
Controller: Custom
Skill: Old School
Main: Bison(stick) Sim(pad)
Alts: Sim(stick) Ryu/Blanka(pad)
Controller:TE Stick(Gettin used to the 8 way i put on) Xbox 360 pad(Analog)
Skill level: More or less
look over :l: for the name
main: Guess :rolleyes:
2nd: too many to list.
weapon of choice: Dual modded TE stick:cool:
Skill: OLD DIRTY school:cool:
I want to get back into SSF2THDR and was hoping some of ya’ll could help me with that (too much SF4 ). I’ll be online for a while so holla at me. Would like to fight good players that wo’nt hold back.
GT: Wadey2k1
Main: M.Bison
2nd: None
WoC: Modded madcatz SE stick
Skill: Not much in evidence
Would like to play against some of the more unusual characters (Fei, T.Hawk, Blanka) and would love to play a really good Guile.
Looking for sparring partners.
[]XBL GamerTag: Ichjizan
[]Your Characters: Chun Li
[]Controller: Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
[]Skill: Beginner
Tag- TES77
Main- Bison
Controller- 360 Pad (analog)
Skill- Scrub
Another PS3 defector
GT: Tecmo NHC
Main: Guile
2nd: None of your business
Controller: TE Stick
Skill: I don’t mean to brag, but I can beat the computer on the hardest difficulty.
I will fight everyone, yes that includes Honda players!
Welcome Tecmo and we Honda players here look forward to it…
GT= Mugenxinfinite
Main: Deejay
Controller: te stick .hori hrap.
Skill: not good enough.
Will fight anybody better. if you cant beat me you are not worthy.
always looking for the best to beat and get better.
main - Chun Li, T. HAWK, deejay
controller - d-pad (lol i know…) buying a stick a.s.a.p.
skill level - decent
GT = Percyinabox
Main = Probably Balrog
Secondary = Random select
Controller = ex2
skill level = THRU DA ROOF! nah I’m alright