SSFII character rankings (GamePro, 1994)

That top 5 list is not that bad. Balorg, Sim, and old Sagat are the top tier in that game. Akuma = Ban and Vega is near the top

Dude, I remember the GamePro ST ranking book. The main thing I remember is that each tier was described using the word “tough.” Like, tier 1 was “Tournament Tested Tough,” tier 2 was “Not Quite Enough But Hanging Tough,” tier 3 was “Tough to Win But Fun to Play,” and tier 4 was “Tough on Your Bank Account.”

…Guile does beat Sagat. Haven’t you been paying attention to Schaefer?


Balrog dead last? What were those fuckers smoking? :confused:

What was commonly known maybe…I tought he was mid-tier in CE.

I’d love to see the grid!

So Mike Watson and Jesse Howard in the finals… :lovin:

Balrog was not as good in CE as he was in HF ( no pass-thru TAP, dashing straight didn’t hit crouchers… ). Dunno about being the worst char.

I remember that as well.

1Q: is gouki 5th in ST cause he aint got no super? cause even without it he is still contending for the 1st place IMO.

Akuma is god tier and banned. Gamepro just got that one totally wrong, though their top 4 minus Akuma was actually solid (just needed to switch the order a bit).

lol… good luck with that one.:looney:

i still got all my capcom fighting games guilds:lovin::lovin:

I remember this.

Even though they ranked Gief low, one of the top players they profiled used him. They also said he was the cheapest player in their rankings.