In early-to-mid 1994 (my guess would be in May or June), GamePro included a detailed feature on SSFII; among the elements of that feature, one could find a table that attempted to “tier” the 16 characters based on how they would fare against each other if played by experts. I remember that Guile finished 1st, Ruy 4th, Ken 9th and Blanka dead last… but would really love it if someone could scan it and put it in this thread!
I assume that most fighting game experts will disagree with these rankings, but we could then discuss them.
I’ve never been the biggest fan of GamePro, but I really digged that feature since it was the first time that I had witnessed anything like it (i.e. tiering), and at the time I was waiting for the home version to be released during the summer…
Many thanks if someone can come up with that table!
I still have the strategy guide for SSF2, which was produced by Gamepro and has the same tier listing IIRC. If I can find if when I get home, I’ll post the tiers here. I believe it had Super Turbo rankings as well, with Dhalsim and Old Sagat at the top.
Of course, there is no apparent rhyme or reason for these rankings, unless you count such highly analytical comments as “Balrog ascends to the top as he has no disadvantages against anyone.” My guess is that these charts were approximated using that time-tested method of determining tier ranking, the CPU vs. CPU match. =)
Anyone know where I can get a copy of the SSF2/SSF2T strategy guide by Gamepro? I have the ones for hyper fighting and champion edition and they were instrumental in helping me along at an early age.
Is he? I’m admittedly not a tournament player, but from all of my arcade experiences I’ve honestly never seen anyone use him. And apart from messing around with Guile a bit, I’ve never delved too deeply into charge-based characters. Do players actually win tournaments with Balrog?
I remember gamepro showing you how to do a 13+ hit deejay combo. I have never seen it anywhere else. does anybody remember seeing that as well?
I wanna give it a try.
Pretty cool to see what they thought back then and to see how things have changed in the decade since the games came out. I mean, Chun, Ken, Zangief, and DeeJay that low? And Akuma not in his own Kick-Ass Tier? Definitely interesting.
Balrog meaning the boxer, yeah? GamePro is American, so probably right? If so, I don’t understand the question marks. I don’t know about SSF2, never really spent the time to break it down, but he’s definitely a beast in Super Turbo.
That tier list is interesting, but the Gamepro issue I had with tiers went something like this:
#1(Tied) Bison, Vega, Dee Jay #4 Balrog #5 Ryu #6 Dhalsim #7 Honda #8 Fei Long #9 Sagat(No mention of Old Sagat) #10 Guile #11 Chun Li #12 Ken #13 Cammy #14 Blanka #15 T.Hawk(“T. Hawk is a token waster”) #16 Zangief