SSF4 to MVC3

I’ve been playing SSF4 AE for about 2 years now and am interested in learning MVC3. I was wondering how/if I could use what I’ve learned playing street fighter and apply it to MVC3.

How should I approach the game?
Should I change my philosophy towards MVC3 compared to SSF4 AE?
How are they similar and how are they most different?
Are the long MVC3 combos mostly links or chains?
Anything else I should know?


Approach the game in a fresh manor. They are not the same game.
Where you don’t want to jump very much in SF, in the air is often a safe place if your not sure what to do in a situation.
Being a team based game, you have to not only view each character as a character to learn, but a resource to be deployed. There are not the shortcuts as far as SRK motions, so you have to do the real motion.

Thanks a lot!!