SSF4 Throw Range Tier

In SSF4, who has the best (and the worst) throw ranges?

I know that Chun-Li and Rose both have good range… but that’s about it. Couldn’t find info anywhere else, not even in info/frame data.

I believe Vega(Claw) has the best throw range in game. With new SSFIV Blanka having the worse.

Super Street Fighter IV - Shoryuken Wiki

It’s missing some ranges for Hakan’s command throws while oiled, and some Guy stuff. The throw ranges are under “block”, it’s the second colomn, which usually has HL (to denote how you can blcok a move). It has the throw ranges of everyone except Adon, I believe.

You could make a tier list, it would be kinda pointless though. According that, Cammy, Juri & Guy have worse than normal throw ranges, while Claw, Chun, Rose & Gen (back throw only) are better than normal. Cody is a tiny bit better than normal, and everyone else is exactly the same.

Kind of a boring tier list. It might be more interesting if you added in command throws.

Unless I’m completely stupid, there are no throw ranges on that link.

Edit: Derp

wow, they nerfed dan’s throw range in ssfiv

According to the wiki, everyone’s range is 0.9 except: Rose and Chun are 1.0, Gen has 0.9 forward throw and 1.0 backthrow, Cody is 0.95, Juri, DeeJay, Cammy and Guy are 0.8

And even then there’s still the question of kara-throws. While a lot of them are limited, they’re worth listing if one’s actually going to start comparing throw ranges. How’s Ken’s compared to Cody’s, for instance?

I’m sure Blanka’s throw range is less that 0.9…

Guy’s throw range should totally be .9

The developers also said they improved Sim’s throw ranges. Either 1) the developers lied, which is known to have happened or 2) the frame data has errors, which is also known to be true.

Also, kara throw ranges: Best Kara-Throws (by character)
The ranges are represented by training mode tiles, and are different from the units used in the frame data.

i know juri’s throw range must be bottom 3.

Sim and I think Seth’s throw rangers are also better then average. Sim’s I think is as good as Rose’s.

Go into the character.

the other thing to think about besides karas when thinking about throw range is walk speed. ken has by far the best kara so he probably has the best regular throw game even with bad walk speed.

after that comes vega who probably has a near like ken throw game cause his walk speed is godlike and he has the second best kara throw in the game.

after that probably chun cause she has really good walk speed and and good regular throw range.

everyone else is mid tier probably. then the characters that have a combination of slow walk speed, less than 1.0 throw range and no useful karas probably round out the bottom when concerning throw range/ throw game, as far as landing the actual throw.

the other thing is whether or not a character has good offensive mixups after a throw or not.


Why did Juri get such a bad range when her walkspeed is already one of the worst? To be able to pull of a normal throw with her you have to kara with S MP. That’s making her quite a technical character to use.

juri has other blockbeaters like her fast overhead… also her dash is fast, so it sets up throws pretty nicely… atleast edma was owning me on xbl with her dash throw game… so it must be atleast decent…

but meh, i dont know, cause i dont use her.


juri has other blockbeaters like her fast overhead… also her dash is fast, so it sets up throws pretty nicely… atleast edma was owning me on xbl with her dash throw game… so it must be atleast decent…

but meh, i dont know, cause i dont use her.


She’s also got a Kara throw with st. Mp, her tick throw game is sick cuz she’s so nimble.,, kara throw works well. Her overhead isn’t that great outside of Feng shui engine, it doesn’t really link into anything and has slow startup. Her dash is good tho.

If you add in command throws, T. Hawk’ll be top tier. Grabbing the tip of Vega’s claw? Insane.