I’ve been playing SSF4 for a while now, and I can’t defend a single jump-in, neutral jump, OR cross-up ever! I’ve tried different characters, tried different anti-airs, focus attacks, dashes, backdashes, and more importantly, I tried blocking like everyone will tell me to do, and I get thrown, or my opponent will just find another way around it.
It’s very frustrating when a flowchart Ken can hit me with a jump-in HK, sweep every time, and it’s very demoralizing cause I can’t do anything about it.
Practice anti-airing. Always be looking for a jump-in–everything you do in a match should be done while simultaneously looking for anti-air opportunities.
Your character will have definitely more than one anti-air. You’ll have to find the situation to use the right one.
It’s easier to help if I know your character.
Look at the angles of your normals. You want your opponent to fall on the tip of your anti-air because that is where the most priority lies.
Go into training mode and put the dummy on record:
-Have him walk forward until he touches you
-Walk backward so that when he jumps he will fall on the perfect spacing of your anti-air
-Have him do a jump attack
Practice moving around and hitting him at the correct spacing every time.
Do the same thing for all of your anti-airs. You should be comfortable to anti-air a jump at almost any distance with the correct anti-air.
note on when trying to DP for anti-airs. do it from a crouch. SF4 has shortscuts so if you do :df::d::df::p: you will get a DP and since you’re crouching your hitbox is smaller so you have a little more time to get the DP out before you get hit. also learn which DP is the anti-air. some versions have better hit boxes and invulnerability than others. for example, ken’s best anti-air DP is with strong.
15-25, and it’s mostly against players who have a B ranking in their character or better. I know playing stronger players is supposed to help, but if you can’t even defend a jump in of any kind, how is it supposed to help?
It’s tough with Bison. He doesnt have a good mid range jump in anti air. Not to mention against people with really good jump ins like Ken it can be really hard to beat them at this range.
From far range you can stand hk (for a trade usually) or crouch HP if you have enough time. Stand fp or stand mp can work aswell.
If they’re right on top of you stand close hp or stand HK can work pretty well.
From that mid range it’s really hard to not get counter hit/trade/outright stuffed. Teleport backwards is a good way to get out of this or dash under them if you have the reflexes and spacing right however dashing is best used when they’re jumping right on top of you.
Block, I use to main bison and it taught me how to block really damn well. If they jumped in and you blocked all they can do it try and throw you or go into a string. Just tech it or keep blocking until you can slip in a short or something.
Then fucking try harder. Learning to block isn’t easy, it’s THE HARDEST THING TO LEARN IN THIS GAME. There is no spoonfed solution. Learn to block, learn to tech throws, and learn to adapt to the situation. That’s Street Fighter, there is no magic win button, only hard work and practice.