SSF4 Fight Night #2 Sunday, Sept. 5th, Springfield, Oregon @ Mowhawk Tavern!

Thanks Trollkenzie but no thanks. plz stop.

Yo, dude, I respect your 3s game. I met you at a portland tourney and you were a cool dude, don’t act like this now. I used to be all salty about SF4 players and the new wave of scrubs, but fuck it. Remember the turnout at that Fall tournament? How many for 3s? What about ST? Just remember, my dude, Oregon is not the spot for SF at the moment, so why not support what we have going?

Also, drunk.

LoL…you don’t know MacKinzie lol

Ah, Street Fighter. Bringing us all together for some linguis uppercuttis even after the tournament. Gotta love it!

I was playing that dirty Dan at the tournament. I love him, and can’t give up on the Saikyo! I also played him up at the last tournament at ground kontrol in portland and showed off my spirit against a badass cammy fighter named sam. I beat him once! but lost overall. Saikyo baby. it aint’ how big your fireball is. it’s how hard you throw it.

Guess not. You lol’ing twice over there?

More than just that haha

IIRC I’m the only person from Salem that is talking shit, just me. If you’re so interested in my game then money match me kid.

That makes sense considering you live in Eugene.

Sorry baby girl, I don’t money match. I would have to care about fighting games in order to do that.

Edit: But I’ll play you for a couple beers some time, if you’d like.

Edit2: No I won’t.

I heard ronnicle chops up dudes after he loses money matchs, is thattruegayyy? Can anyone confirm

I also heard SamB scrapes this guy by the name of Theo Cook in this gdlk Oomgflkfxgame called Marvel, is that true?

Good to c Eugene with a growing scene

You can’t play ronnicle for beers…unless you wanna get him some O’Douls or something…

You’ve missed something, sir.

Won’t implies that you would be going into the match with a losing attitude.

Can’t implies that you are unable to for circumstances out of your control.

Won’t implies that I won’t play him for anything, beer or otherwise. But alright!

played my guile, went to filthy suite with theo afterwards. next month should be cool

Man that shit happens all the time. I think I used to say (back when everyone hated when I won) that I love to disappoint.

Also to those saying blah blah serious business crap are people who are free and are mad about it.

It may just be me but anything I take competitively I take serious, whether it be ssf4/lax/training/whatever.

but yeah I would love to take ya’lls money if you’re willing to give it to me. I might head to that 2v2 tourney in Portland. (hey seattle people I need 3 more and 1 of them needs to be my teammate).

Lol Bokkin. 1st you’re pissed that u thought I was talkin smack now look at you, only one post later. Don’t get blown up. Ps people, Bokkin is good, so use your money wisely.

Sam, You memory does not suit you. You prob do scrape some dude Theo Cook for free. I scrape your game of memory for free. edit- thanks for the scene props. 16 man tourney isn’t bad for here, esp when it’s our 2nd tourney and about 8 from last time didn’t show up. Plus there’s no reason to talk up your marvel game, everyone knows u good son.

Ronnicle, Luke wins in the end. Lay off all the hate. It’s not for everyone. (Interesting tidbit- both Suicidal Grandpa [the homie] and Ronnicle can’t play for beer. They’re both under 21 lol)

It’s true, I closely resemble my avatar.

I wasn’t pissed you were talkin smack. I was confused as to why YOU were talkin big. I love to talk shit. I shit talk like it’s breathing. I just thinks its weird when people who shouldn’t talk shit do…
