SSF4 AE 2012 Guile Video Thread: Return to Respectability

Also, at 2:59 where I play considerably worse.

The E.Ryu player only played the last round of first set well. He’s just bulldogging you most of the time and I could predict his jump-ins 80% of the time. It seems he also doesn’t respect his opponent from the way he played. I think you should’ve realised earlier to change up c.hp to airthrow/jump AAs to AA him as it gave him a few free wins. And also should’ve maintained the airthrow spree on this kind of jumpers cos they’ll just keep jumping no matter how many times you hit them. E.Ryu’s divekick is easier to airthrow as it has a height restriction. Risk reward isn’t really good when using c.hp as AA in this matchup unless he’s almost directly above Guile.

His is also easily punishable with Guile’s I think you’ve been doing too much whiff in footsie range too. Not really advisable as E.Ryu has 3 frame c.lp into big dmg and has slow recovery and prone to counterhit if you try to press after.



It’s simple yet so effective. Reminds me alot of the issues that I have in my playstyle and needs working.

Who is TooEzy on PC?
Just wondering, if this is a well known Guile player or someone from the forums who uses another gamertag on PC or maybe a newcomer?

Does anybody know why he used M super @4:52…I usually use L super if I want to connect to any ultra…L,M, or H super has the same damage I thought, but different air time, therefore harder to connect with combo with an ultra from M super.

Medium Kick super pushes you forward a little more which helps to ensure that it connects better and that it leaves you close enough for Ultra to connect. Since he was doing a hit confirm string into super, he’s pushing the opponent back out of the optimal LK super distance so he probably did MK super to be sure… which made it harder to time the Ultra sadly :frowning:

Thankx…confirmed that L super whiff 50% with same combo vs viper.


Thumbs up to Dieminion for blocking 90% of BKs.

vs Fuudo

vs Mago





Uryo match 3:10

I love how he dashes in threatening with throw, and uses upsidedownkick to beat crouchtechs and combos with big damage. Obviously in this case, Uryo didn’t try to tech many throws, but it still cost him dearly! I love it.

stop playing rog.

Yea I need to stop its clearly obvious I suck with him lol.

its not a complete suck, but guile is clearly your better character

true…its funny the monday the week before i was playing…you…with gen lol.

yeah we shoulda got more matches. didnt know you would really run into him

yea i remember saying “i got that top gen player in my pool” then bam next thing you know i am on stage in front of thousands of people playing

Share the vid if you have it

its already posted in the gen forum, and in his post #1211, second video