SSF2T Vs. SF2HDR Intro


personal opinion the original intro is far better :rock:

Don’t like the Udon art expection of Chun Li, Akuma looks kind cool but he is so small in comparison to the original. Ryu looks way to young when he throws the fireball, he has a boyish appearance similar to the Alpha series.


VERY nice!! Thanks, Furious. :lovin: Hell yes, the ST intro is much better. I still wish Udon had included it in HDR tho. Ryu looks f’ing awesome, and so does Chun and Cammy, but Akuma looks kinda weird. LOL

I did a side by side comparison of the clear part where its just akuma on a white background.

ST: His “ripped” gi is tame. Looks like ryu’s pretty much. His muscle tone looks natural. His top knot points like straight up, he looks taller. . .

HDR: His “ripped” gi looks out of control, he’s on steroids, and he looks shorter.

They also changed his facial structure, so he looks less human in the HDR version. His necklace beads are bigger in HDR too.

In the ST version ryu looks like he hits the gym much more often than akuma. :rofl:

Cammy needs to NOT slip us the tongue. :nono:

I agree with the OP: ST is way better. Udon did right not including it: that gay manga Ryu looks like he is gonna apologize for throwing a hadouken at any moment. ST Ryu is badass, and he is pissed, just like Ken was badass in CPS-1. As for Akuma, it does not matter, I wish he was never created in the first place.

I wanted the intro more for the music than the art. At least it doesn’t grate on my ears the way Ken’s theme does. I could listen to that intro track all day. :razzy:

BTW, what did you mean by Ken in CPS1? Are you talking about the intro to WW, CE and HF?

Also, does anybody know why they didn’t include the intro in HDR?

The same reason there’s a HDR remixed thread, the game was a little rushed.

Don’t care what anyone says, Akuma looks badass in the HDR intro.

Apparently, no reason was given by Udon or Backbone for leaving out the intro.

It is kind of wierd that it goes straight to menu.

Maybe they had problems implementing like trying to implement both of hawk’s dives. :rofl:

I personally don’t mind the intro since the rest of the game is already like that. At least it isn’t like the trailer with the bucktoothed Chinese guy delivering a letter.

I really only hate Cammy’s stupid tongue thing. I was never a big fan of that in ST, it still looked kind of stupid.

Original Intro -> HD Remix dropped intro.

It’s common knowledge now that UDON are bad at animation…

Yeh animation on Cammy’s tongue dreadful lol

that UDON intro is god awfull! i can easily see why it was left out. super turbo is MUCH better. i was always a fan of the super(-turbo) intro. i like the song better.


Oh, right. The whole music in previous versions, specially the CPS-1 ones, is much better. The new songs have failed miserably simply - or mainly - because they did not respect the mid and low frequencies. It looks they have been made by free-time computer wannabe musicians, not real ones. But I just have this thing against people who want to create music but not learn shit about any instrument. “I got this PC here and I am a DJ.” Fuck that.

Ken’s theme was great. And the original Ryu and Guile themes are just timeless. I would not play as Ryu just to hear his tune.

As for Ken in CPS-1, I meant his portrait (character select screen). In Super and onwards, he looks happy. In CPS-1, he is pissed, he is gonna beat your ass at some not recommendable area at the harbor and that’s it.

Definitely agreed that the CPS1 themes are the bomb. Especially Boxer.:rock: I was hoping Remix would include them but the CPS2 tunes are awesome too. And I love Ken’s CPS2 portraits, he looks like a dude that is not only going to kick your ass, but will laugh at you while doing it too, same with Dee Jay. :rofl:

For the record, the youtube vid is using the PC version’s intro for vanilla ST (but using the CPS-2 version for HDR for whatever reason)

I played the PC version before playing the real version, and I always wondered why the music wasn’t as good as i remembered until I realized PC got a new (superior) mix

Fuck both intros:


Hey guys! Matt here from UDON.

Just wanted to let you guys know as I have said some other places, that the intro we’re showing off is just out first quick take. It was cut from the game before we even got to the animation stage, so we just assembled the artwork for fun.

Had we gotten to finish it off we likely would have tweaked sizes of things timing, motions and such.

As for why they decided to have no intro, couldn’t tell you, wasn’t up to us. But was a fun project to work on!

-UDON Matt

Well the states definitely got to PC for that intro, the black guys loses to a white guy in front of a crowd of white people. :rofl: