SSBB - Controllers


No A.

Wavebirds, always working perfect.

Funny thing is is that it NEVER happens to the wavebird.

Also, it’s been proven that the age of the controller is not a factor; we got a brand new one and it still has the problem.

Did you just give me 1996 advice? :rofl:

I never knew about the reset method. that shouldhelp.

Don’t see why we need two threads about controllers. They have been merged.


All I have to say is:


Each player should be allowed to play on whatever controller they feel most comfortable with, period, so long as the controller does not use any macro/turbo features.

Will I be allowed to use a PS2 pad + converter?

^ :bluu:

gotten too used to the classic remote now

I don’t see why not. BTW what converter are you using?

Over on the Brawl dedicated forums people are banning controller mods for their tourneys. :rofl: This is after someone asked about the spring modding.

on my friends Wii. maps c-stick to right analog. works great.

Brawl Stick

I thought this would be a good place to post the pic of my recently finished modded wii stick for brawl.

It was very simple to do and I’ve only built one other stick before. All of the solder points in the wiimote were dead simple to connect up. I was even able to get the power button hooked up so I can turn the console on and off.

I just wanted to post this for people who are avoiding brawl due to having to use gamepads or wiimotes ect. I’m loving using the stick, you lose some of the versatility of the c-stick but I find having the more precise d-pad control outweighs that loss.

Next step is to get some sanwa parts… Anyone know where I can get sanwa parts ordered in Canada?

Would be interesting to mount a second stick (or a smaller analog nub) on the other side of the buttons and wire it as a C stick (would have to wire through a Classic Controller I’d think). Looks awesome though. Do you have the wii sync button easily wired elsewhere too?

I don’t currently. when I play outside my house I just use the temp sync, it works fine.

I went ahead and picked up a Classic Controller and its pretty badass. Its similar enough to a GC controller, doesn’t have analog shoulder buttons, and you can play from far away since its wireless. ftw

Welcome to the club!

Nintendo is rereleasing gamecube controllers! with a 3 m cord
check it out


I never played SSBM (never even owned a GC, thus never played on a GC controller except occasionally at friends). Still, I find GC controller to be the best for Brawl. And I’ve tried wiimote-only, classic controller, and GC now. (surprisingly, wiimote-only is actually acceptably fine, but shielding and grabbing are extremely awkward, involving your left middle finger trying to hit B on the wiimote…)

I really would like to say the classic controller is good, but the GC one is better. (I don’t have a problem with digital shielding since I never played SSBM) The classic controller has the left analog stick (for movements) at a weird position. Your left thumb has to reach so low to control it, making it very awkward. (why can’t the stick be where the D-pad is? and you can’t map the D-pad to movements) That’s my major complaint really.

Can you grab with shield+A?
I do it that way all the time in melee…

I’m off to bed, I’m tired… Who cares?

hows the hori for smash?

any make custom sticks for the wii and played brawl?