SRK Parenting Thread

^ My son is an avid explorer right now (14 months). He’s an explorer and a gamer, yes I can easily outrun him, but if you so much as turn the other way, he’s around a corner. Right now I just ‘stay vigilant’ so to speak and thats the plan, its just something I thought about from a safety standpoint - to limit how far away form me he can get.

More than anything though I just feel like the male lions you see on discovery channel - where the cubs run all over them, bite them, etc…and the lion just sits there…chillin…waitin to see if someone wants to come near the litter that he’sgonna have to fuck up haha

  • :bluu:

I’m a little ambiguous on the leashes aspect, kids should be allowed to play and explore their world and new surroundings(actually, play is crucial to healthy development), yet I can see Mort’s point about safety issues as well especially if your kid has wanderlust x_x

There’s an author I read who’d have none of that though, she wrote the book “Free Range Kids”, and she also has a blog on it you guys might find of interest

MY son is currently the polar opposite of me (which I’m cool with)…he likes being outside (yuck)…he loves being in water - to the point my wife has to drainn all the water out the tub before he’ll get out (yuck)…etc But its all a healthier lifestyle than I lead so I’ll support it anyway I can. But I’m a nervous wreck letting him do his ‘hike’ thing…the last thing I want is for him to get snatched, or walk into a street/dangerous path and get hurt, etc…so I look at the leash as a stop gap against all that…it would let him run everywhere, but within the radius that I’m cool with, I can yank him as need be if say a car flies by, if he goes around the corner I can tell how far he’s gone, etc. Like honestly it sounds like the leash is the best thing for him, but it just looks and feels wrong from an ideology stand point.

And we started playing ball last night finally WOO!

  • :bluu:

Your kid sounds like a normal kid, running around and all. Sounds like you’re just a worry wart or lazy. The way I look at it, if you need a leash its because you cant keep up with your kid.

Its worry more than anything, we havne’t had any real issues because we can keep up with him, just get nervous…I don’t trust anyone these days. Got guys trying to infect kids with AIDS in the Wendy’s bathroom and BLACK people running around nekkid, tripping of weed yeah right and bathsalts - eating their roommates and random folks. I can’t even front, I was with someone when he found out his one and only son was in a car accident and found out he died while driving there…ever since then I’ve got a real concern about everything, I try to not let it affect Nathan so I let him do everything he wants just about.

  • :bluu:

-Use the phonebook

  • He fell down the stairs, he’s so clumsy

Word, It just sounds like you worry too much. I can understand though as I was like that with our oldest daughter when she was a toddler. Its not really a good thing though. It makes you do weird things, like put a leash on your kids.


Watch all of this, just came out a few days ago :tup:


I have a daughter who will be 2 this month and I must say that I feel @Unreal on what he says about worrying. I know when I saw the 9 year old beating up kids on daycare I started teaching my daughter martial arts (well trying to teach her). I know as a parent you want to protect your child from the world, but I won’t always be here, so i want her to be as prepared as we can possibly make her. But I just want to say that parenting is pretty awesome. I watched my daughter point out the TTT2 poster at gamestop when we went to pick up RE6 and a lady asked me about it and I told her that she recognizes the game because I play it so much.

I need some advice for planning my daughters bday party. I want it to be just mass fun with tons of kids and stuff, but most the kids she knows are a bit older that her by 3-4 years. So I am wondering what are some good themes? Right now I have a tumbling/gymnastic theme or a dance party, I am just unsure where to go with it.

Don’t have kids, problem solved.

I don’t think I could ever bring a child into this world.

It’s far too fucked up, and I’d probably do something crazy.