SRK Members: Lighten Up

The problem is that you have these so called veterans just plainly disrespecting the new comers and that is so lame. It’s probably why i be lashing back at them and when they challenge me in a SFIV match I beat them down and then post the results all over these boards. In other words instead of batching the new guys(and yes even if you do the research the vets still bash you) help them out.

BTW not all the new guys are noobs in the SF universe…like myself I been playing SF since its original launch(I’m 31yrs old so I am 1 of the few that can honestly say I been there from the beginning) but to be honest I never really payed attention to SRK cause to me it wasn’t important until I got back from Iraq. So SRK vets just be patient and guide the new guys to the right direction that’s all

It’s not because someone is new that they get jumped on. I joined the forum in July, made about 800 posts and started a few threads in that time, a couple of them pretty stupid looking back, but I’ve made enough quality posts that no one minded. But I’ve been on forums enough to know that sometimes you get burned out answering the same questions over and over again, 90% of which are answered in the stickies. If people would take a minute and look, you can find what you need.

It’s nice to be nice.

I remember that some people on /v/ think that SRK is just a bunch of arrogant pricks or something along that line.

Probably for this reason.

I do my best to be nice to everyone on the forums. I hate it when people get all pissy, tech stuff isn’t easy and you can’t expect EVERYONE to know stuff.

Hey, what? A forum so poorly maintained that even a year into it, the char-specific forums for even high and mid tier chars in SF4 are a mess? And a tech forum under the same roof fails to properly organize shit, preferring instead to act like their complete lack of organization is someone else’s fault? Yeah, didn’t see that coming. Because “FAGET NEWB SEARCH MOAR” is coincidentally a lot easier than actually putting the slightest amount of fucking effort into making anything accessible.

Threads stickied for easy reference in this forum:

“Check out my new arcade stick!”
“Introduce yourself!”
“Techtalk Podcast crap!”
“Ladies of Stick Fighter!”
“Bot thread!”

And the ever-so-useful Absolute Newbie Thread, which one would expect to be an FAQ of some sort, but apparently this dipshit community can’t quite grasp the value of even that.

Threads not stickied:

Official Cthulhu thread
Official SE/TE tempate thread
Streaming/Recording Guide
New Definitive HDTV lag guide
Anything containing any information that’s actually fucking useful

3 guesses where the point of fucking failure is here, jackasses.

Those four Threads were Stickied on Top Page until three months ago. :sad:

Oh good. Good decision.

Let me just say one thing on that, I think you’re making a bad generalization.

I’m like one of the worst types of “SRKn00b” if you put it down on paper. When I joined SRK(feb 09):

Had just gotten a PC(I.E. new to the internet)
Had just gotten SF4 and was just looking to use this place(which is what I hear a main reason some of the old school don’t take kindly to the 09’ers)

And the forums were EXTREMELY useful with the stickies and the noob threads and the character sub forums. Even I could tell at the time people really put some time and effort to organize all that stuff. I left like 2 weeks after first joining and it wasn’t until recently that member Shoryu Reppa(RAB over at Destructoid/were I met the dude) convinced me that the place is alright and all the bad rep is very misleading. And he wasn’t kidding, it’s pretty JAWSOME over here.

speaking of jackasses, here’s a perfect example. the newbie thread is useful, and asking for help in there usually nets you an answer within an hour or two. if that’s not fast enough for you - then tough shit, nobody here is a robot, go to the IRC channel mentioned in the rules page and get some real-time help. most of the people there also don’t care about the same questions being repeated ad nauseum, because everybody was a newbie at one point. we’ve all been there, and simply being a newbie is not why people would shit on you.

also, i’d like to mention that not only do you yourself never post in tech talk, and therefore have no right to call the tech talk podcast-in-progress “crap” or pretend that you contribute anything in any fashion, but everything you have mentioned as “not being stickied” - aside from the streaming guide - is actually featured in the tech talk rules and essentials sticky that you have completely ignored.

so drop your shitty attitude. if you really think that SRK is unorganized, start your own forum. don’t bark about a “dipshit community” when you don’t do jack shit to help out or make anything better. you yourself are a dipshit, fully expressed - a complete prick who wants everything handed to him and his tough guy attitude when he can’t appreciate the fact that yes, there is some fucking organization here. you could be answering questions in the newbie thread, or reading in the myriad of threads that provide a bounty of useful information, but instead you pretend that you have a valuable opinion, pulled out of thin air, which you can use to shit all over everybody here who have put time into contributing. get bent. leave this discussion to people who actually post here.

i request a closing of this thread. new people should be able to follow instructions, such as “read this before posting”.

i think that “Tech Talk Intro/Rules/Essentials (Read Before Posting!)” thread should be on top of all the stickies and in bold instead of the “The absolute NOOBIE thread/TECH SUPPORT CHECK HERE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD” which makes the people on forum sound like jackasses. Doing so should help newcomers a little bit

The stickies change order based on which was posted in last. Stickies get bumped just like everything else.

Before I say this, I want to emphasize that the essentials thread is a lot better than what we had before, so thanks Kyle!

But… one thing that might help is a slight reorganization of the Essentials post (including putting FAQ in the title). I think people new here might see all the links and get overwhelmed. Putting a small “noob” section at the top of it with like 3-5 of the most important links might help with the confusion a bit.

Also, I think a “welcome to the world of arcade sticks” thread might help. I’m bored, so I’ll start writing one.

is this thread about my weight BECAUSE :mad:

What exactly have you contributed other than this whiny little troll post? I certainly haven’t seen your name before.

Just so you know, there used to be half a page of stickies. It looked ridiculous. If we stickied every thread that deserved it you would have to tab to page 3 for a non-stickied post.

If you want to help with anything I’m all ears. I’ve been working on redoing the NOOB CAPS LOCK THREAD.

Ultimately I’m a guy with a full time job and a kid that does this for fun. No one is paying me to dick around on SRK. I choose to do this in my time off.

Would something like this be helpful to noobies? I’ll add links and proofread again if you think so. I’m also open suggestions.

Yes? No? Kill myself?

That’s actually very good. Mind if I use it?

You could just combine them into one thread instead of unsticking them so they didn’t take up half a page it would make more sense

Of course I want it used! I’d like to be able to edit it though when new stuff is released. I’d like to add some links and stuff too. Is there a way to do that?

Also, maybe leave it here for a bit so others can comment?

That’s exactly what happened:

I used it here. I’ll probably shorten it a bit since I have my own FAQ I was going to use as well for this.