SRK MAFIA XVI - Shards of Alara: Sign-ups Begin!

I’m cool if you want to play, Chief. c:

He doesn’t.

BJ does.

@DarkGeneral, ready your first exit interview for Syn.

Unless you want to wait and do ours together.

Not even, man. YGO is hilariously shitty because its trying to be serious. Duel Masters didn’t take itself seriously. It also helped that the people who dubbed it didn’t give a fuck. Swear to god that show should’ve been playing on adult swim.

Yep, got merc’ed so I guess you can sign me up Forgey. Still haven’t read any of the rules or roles but I’ve got most of the week to motivate myself to play in another game.


I assume that means it’s safe to add you to the spectator’s lounge?

That would be fantastic.

A new Ajani got released with the latest MTG set, BTW.

Look at this shit right here.

Please Syn, no leaking how much shit they talk about me in there.

On the subject of avatars, i want to go with this one

or maybe this one[g-revolution].png

You know, that series got so murked by the USA dub that the Latin American dub make a gagdub of it, ot the point of adding stuff ond editing scenes to make the jokes work, i say that they saved it and made it very memorable because of that :rofl:

The plainswalker mechanic is really sweet.

I fully understand it yesterday because I was exhausted, 10 beers and fewer than 3 hours of sleep will do that to me, and at an air show, which was actually pretty awesome.

Go ahead and sign up Chief if you have authority to override banishment.


Planeswalkers, not plainswalkers. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not this:




I think as GM I’m allowed to chose whether or not I acknowledge DQs. I kinda counted you not playing in the Arena game as your 1 sit-out.

What do the rest of you think?

Are sign ups still available?


Speaking of M:TG, back in my younger days I really liked this book, though it was one of the only m:tg books I ever read. Funny enough, it would translate decently to an Arena Game : )

lol nice pic bro



Nah the more the merrier :tup:

Edit: That wall of text Pimp :rofl:

Edited before you could post this, so eat an interrupt