SRK MAFIA XVI - Shards of Alara: Sign-ups Begin!

Retirement is just a fancy word for extended vacation. :coffee:

*Sign me up, pumpkin.

[details=Spoiler] Willy is out of retirement? Now I can stop calling him “old man”.[/details]*

Yeah, the number in the bottom right corner is how many points they start with. There’s a cost and an effect, and Sarkhan has no abilities that give him points as a “cost”, only a minor clause on his -2 ability


I was wondering why it took so long for people to get Alpha’s joke :rofl:

You playin?

Bious pls

It won’t be so bad.

I have no idea what any of this means.

…Never stopped me before!

I’m in.

MTG is gay and I say that having played from 94-08 anyways I’m in.

He chose the blue shard.

I would if I could predict my work schedule but I can’t honestly guarantee that I’d be able to put many hours toward the game.


I’m signing up armed with new tactics shamelessly stolen from the Game of Champions!

Sign me up - if you’re taking new players, that is.

You’re going to call me an idiot now, too?

Eh… Forgedigger convinced me to play.

This would work, if I was a good photoshopper.

I would never call you an idiot.

Maybe fool.




Hell, I’d even call you a nincompoop.

Never idiot.


This doesn’t express my feelings towards your gameplay in the GOC. Just a joke, idiot.

Sign me up
