It looks like I’ll be running it, TGG. I’ll PM you my Skype name.
Though I do have to figure out if twitch and Skype even work simultaneously on my laptop.
Oh and btw guessing it isn’t required for me to show my face if I’m hosting. In the players’ interest of course; don’t want my awesomeness to burn their eyeballs out of their sockets from prolonged exposure.
I’ve now been MVP 4/9 games (5 if you count off-site). Do I win?
Also, yeah I’m abdicating any seat I had for All-stars 2. Army recruitment was officially confirmed today.
Skypew mafia sounds great. I need to figure out if I can use mobile skype for a multi-person video call. Otherwise I’m going to need to purchase a webcam after all.
Question, are you holding onto survivor until later, or are you abandoning it? And if so, do you want to pass what you have drafted for somebody else to run?
However, it seems we’re only gonna be able to go 4 hours before the video switches off and it’s turned into an audio call. Not sure if Skype is smart enough to prevent this loophole, but we could actually just start a new call if that happens.
How long are the phases in Skype mafia? Dont know if you guys ever watched co-optional podcast, but that shit runs about 3 hours and takes fucking forever. I dont expect this to run much longer than that.