SRK Lounge: The Search for Ronin

Yes, like I said. You’re a writer. You’re just not doing it right now. If writers actually spent their time writing, the world would be a much scarier place…


Well maybe if you weren’t such a cat calling, manspreading pig they could relax.

Manspreading sounds like a condiment dressing made from semen. No wonder SJWs like to discuss it so much. :coffee:


I hope nobody knows how to deal with the tech and both characters stomp the entire tourney.

Ibuki definitely has the potential to do it. All you have to do is figure out 3-4 set ups and run those to the ground.

Her bomb setups looks ridiculous.


Why do you think that is?

Whose the main culprit of the problem?

Any solutions or is America just going to continue its downward trend?

The left is just having its own extreme movement. The right had theirs and now the left is going through their shit where super sensitive motherfuckers want to bubblewrap the world around them.

I wake up and am getting ready for work (mind you I’m 14 hours ahead of EST), now I know that GoT is airing so I’m preparing to abandon SRK for the day and then this nigga @RockBogart messages me on FB literally leading with spoilers. Nowhere is safe from some niggas!

Unfriend him. Not worth getting his dumb ass messages.

I’m done with this cleaning person at work. I threw a goddamn bitch fit when I got to my desk and saw that a stack of unread magazines were mixed together with read magazines. Now I have to go through every goddamn magazine again to make sure the work is done.

Not only do I now have more work to do, but I have to set my desk to how it was previously. What fucking cleaning person does that shit? If you’re going to be a cleaner, understand that you are NOT supposed to rearrange the desk to your standards. If you see piles, leave it alone. You have zero idea why those piles are there. I’ve never had this problem with a cleaning person before. Christ.

That cleaning person situation would be bizarro land where I work (HIPAA would immolate there asses), but it actually sounds par for the course with cleaning staff in the offices of just about every other professional I know.

Most cleaning people are actually pretty great, but there seems to be just enough out there that like to rifle through people’s shit to ruin it for everyone.

Congrats Tokido…motherfucker went on Beast Mode after dat Super Parry :wow: :wow: :wow: !

Well-deserved kudos!

Can we have Zhi be onf of the commentor on EVO finals? Dat chink is funny AF…the things that comes out of his mouth is unfiltered

Shiieettt…is it 7:00PM yet? Fiendin’ for more Bob Ross stream.

Lol I’ve read the books and I don’t really stress spoilers, but damn, son! I’m trying to leisurely enjoy my GoT on a Tuesday morning, NOT ANYMORE!

I don’t read fantasy books, this includes GoT. I didn’t even care for the show until I think season 5.

lmfaoo yes its obvious.

It’s why I clean my own home. I don’t want some motherfucker entering my home office and rearranging all my shit. Then when I need it I get a, “Yo no se, senor Raz0r. Yo solamente limpo.” I would absolutely lose my shit and I don’t wanna be hauled off for assaulting my cleaning lady.

Zhi sucks ass.

Aguasilk x Chris Hu the GOAT caster pair.

I don’t think it’s has anything to do with “censorship” for cleavage.

Mainly due to the fact that these are still in the game untouched:


And the Cammy and Chun pre-order battle costumes have some cleavage as well.
