SRK Lounge: Can we please lay off the Maxxvatars?

(Negative balance? I always found that a rather oxymoronic phrase.)

Hmmm…, so Muir Woods is the closest. Wonder if I feel like walking all the way there, especially since there’s probably going to be a lot of people…

Haha. We obviously haven’t interacted much if you think that’s me taking things “a little too seriously”.

Everyone can easily tell you that I could easily type more and tend to abuse bold that much regularly.

I was more pointing out why your observations were internally flawed than debating you with the hopes of convincing you about some aspect of a video game series that’s likely never going to be (satisfactorily) answered.

TL;DR: You Mad?

Haha, not at all dude.

Who the fuck gets mad over philosophical questions about Birdo and turtles?

I bet Mysterio knows the answers to our quandaries.

(Wait, Mysterio is alive again? Or is this a different/new Mysterio?)

That “You Mad?” was facetious, especially since I hate that phrase in almost all instances except that one in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

Good to know though. People have gotten pissed off about less.

Sorry, glitched wasn’t the right word. I should have been more clear. Your theme doesn’t change the search box colors , the posting box colors, the color of the border between posts, or the color of the borders on the side of the page (you don’t have them apparently), so a few things look out of place with light on.



You can see the borders I was talking about on the side of the image. They run down the length of the page. The search box looks really bright compared to the rest of the theme and for some reason the box doesn’t extend past the bottom edges of the “search” and “more” buttons.



Those borders look fine with dark, but the lighter blue at the top looks a bit out of place. The text entry field is too light of a color when typing in it, but that’s a problem with SRK Dark and not your theme.



The yellow text on the drop down boxes above the text field is a bit hard to see. The text and background color of the text field should be the same color as posts IMO: white text on a blue text field.



Same stuff as before with the text field. The narrow line between posts and around the page buttons is hard to see with SRK Dark.

My clicked links are a dark color, but my unclicked links are yellow. Is there a way that I can make them all yellow, but only on this site through your stylish theme?
On lines 41-42
{color: rgb(255, 192, 0) !important;
Is there something for visited links also?

Waiting for the finance guy. Trading in my Eclipse Spyder for a Jeep Liberty. I feel good about it, too. Not like last time. Last time I was sad.

Phil Collins just came on the radio here. I feel like storming out of here.

I wish someone driving a Jeep Liberty would run over Phil Collins. I don’t want him to die or be crippled or anything.

Welcome to my world -_-

Although people like TornadoFlame and AkumaTX have not been saying stupid shit lately it’s nice to not have my alert box blow up from their stupidity.

Although I’d just prefer it if it just blocked the post out completely like back in the day.

Watch them come in here now JUST cause I mentioned them.

So let me get this straight, you had pot again, and didn’t follow it up with more pot pie…

I know you ended that night hungry as hell…

lol good point… Koopa dick theory debunked…

Well then, why hasn’t princess peach hooked her toads up with some weapons… Bowser just crashes through the castle with his airship with no consequences…

She should hire someone like Brock Lesnar and hit that nigga Bowser with the real F5, fuck that bullshit that mario was doing by swinging him around by the tail, Brock Lesnar will pick his whole body up and sling him to outer space…

Not sure about Mysterio, just saw that on comicvine.

Somebody please find this in English.


Imma start doin’ this handshake at the end.


wait wait wait, is there some scheme to get rid of GD now? are the admins putting that on the table?

why would they destroy one of the best and oldest forums on the internet?

Don’t know, honestly. Shaft brought it up.

OK, I think I got everything except the narrow line between posts being hard to see on SRK Dark. Look to see what I messed up this time.


@namespace url(;
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Nigga I will run YOU over. SUSSUSSUDIO, BITCH!

more spoilers


The button with the arrow that reveals new numbers has a border and it overlaps the numbers. Only the one on the right does it. The arrow was a dark color when I took the screencap, but it’s white now. The bottom edge border of the buttons in the middle is cut off. The border around the buttons is a bit thick IMO. I think it should be the same as the line between posts like it was.


I think the area on top of the text field with the buttons should be a gray like it was instead of the same color as the text field. The black drop down arrows by “Font Family” “Font Size” and the box with the smilies are gone.



The bottom of the search box extends a little too far beyond the buttons, but other than that it looks perfect.



There were boxes around the Recent News Articles and Recently Active Threads. The lines under those Headings look weird without those boxes.



The borders on the side of the page from before are gone now, but it looks kind of weird without them. I found this code on userstyles that keeps the border, but recolors it to match the rest of the page. Maybe it’ll help you. Replace line 3 with @-moz-document domain(“”) { if you want to test it.

Your Theme


Other Theme


Thanks for all your help, mIRC. Now we won’t have to sacrifice functionality for aesthetics.

Oh so it’s just an biased rumor.

Sent From Prison using JailTalk

I went through some areas of 4chan. Still didn’t find the pic. :sad: Am I doomed?


Grillin’ ribs for the first time today.

Parboiled them already.

Nope just keep looking bro. Sometimes you come up a great thread where a bunch of great pics come up =D

Lol the people on this forum are bitch-made

Lol new kids on SRK coming up with bad resets. OMG I have this reset that makes the combo counter start over!

Isn’t it adorable?

its like people on srk delearn how to play fighting games.