SRK Lounge: Can we please lay off the Maxxvatars?


Who you kidding?

You know the only reason he is your fav, is because you couldn’t beat the later levels of Mario 2 without him.

U.S. Mario 2.

NOBODY could beat Japanese Mario 2 without using him.

It was mentioned in the other lounge thread, here is the 12 minute preview of the The Dark Knight Returns part 1


I can’t wait to see it.

I never played Super Mario bros 2. I went from SMB1 to SMB3

I thought you were cool. :tdown:

I never had the cart for it :[

yeah, /b/ was around in '92…

SNES had SMB Allstars.

You have no excuse! :mad:

There’s also roms. So there’s super really no excuse.

I never gotten SMB All stars :[
All my nes and snes games I got from my cousin, aside from Super Metroid which I bought.

Edit: I really don’t like roms. It just doesn’t feel the same.

There is also the Wii shop.

You have taken my faith in humanity one step further into the negative, my man.

I am deeply saddened by this.

For shame.

But Peach could float

And that’s pretty cool to me

She was farting.

Really hard.

Used the difference in air pressures to generate lift.

Would still take that over Daisy repeating her own name like a damn Pokemon.

Provided Million doesn’t get to enjoy all of it first.

I gave my wii to my sister after she got knocked up and moved in to an apartment.

That’s awesome man. Pregged womene need some exercise!

Team Marn is getting beat as predicted. I hope they learn from this. Yes, I want to join team Marn. Niga what? :tup:

(I am reminded that I should see what national park is nearest me for tomorrow’s free day.)

Yeah, the Wario games on Game Boy at least were quite fun. I’m somewhat annoyed that I unfortunately don’t own any of them; I think I rented them from Videots. I only have the first Super Mario Land on Game Boy, which is…decent, even as annoying as some parts are, its non-ending and those fucking gigantic spiders in the cave levels; seriously, fuck those things.

Wario probably doesn’t get that much respect from Nintendo for reasons that Bulldancer got at: Nintendo still is (and likely will remain) the most family-oriented gaming system, and you can’t have an avaricious, gassy, rude fat-ass teach kids that greed & seflishness are good and cool even as entertaining as he is and even if he would also teach them to eat their vegetables (read: garlic).

No, instead you use some “selfless”, actually ill-tempered, kinda generic, even more stereotypical fat-ass to teach kids that no matter how much good you do, you’re never actually going to ever be justly rewarded for your good deeds as appropriate or even be able to prevent evils from befalling those you care about no matter how hard and how often you try.

…Hmm…I actually think I prefer more Mario games now, looking at it in that dark light…[/oxymoron]

Yeah, because nothing says sexy like adding the possibility of broken glass or defenestration into the mix.

He’s also portly. With that knowledge we know that he stands an increased risk of erectile dysfunction.

Between his obvious weight issues despite all his athleticism, the constant need to take “mushrooms” to help him get bigger and how often he interacts with pipes when he doesn’t have to, I’m pretty sure it’s reasonable safe to infer that he’s a “plumber” because he’s obsessed with trying to fix his own faulty “plumbing”. [/Freud]

You’re not missing shit. Like Azure said, you literally can’t beat Lost Levels without using Luigi, at least if you want to go through all the levels (like a reasonable person). There’s some fucking idiotically designed jump over a pit in like 4-1 or something that you can’t make with Mario no matter what you do. Just learned that pissed me off so much I stopped playing Lost Levels then and there and haven’t touched it since.

Super Mario All-Stars is overall great, but Lost Levels is basically just a rip-off, “harder” rehash of SMB1 with pretty much nothing new added except the above inexcusable idiocy. Despite the U.S. version of SMB2 being a rip-off/re-skin of whatever the fuck Doki Doki Panic is, in a rare inversion it is far superior to the Japanese version of the game that we “missed out on” for a while.

As amusing as the common “Bowser/Peach” theory is, I’d put more money on her just being extremely emotionally unstable and/or an extreme doormat than them having any type of sexual relationship. From what little I know about Super Princess Peach where her powers are entirely reliant on her PMS-ing emotional state, the former seems more likely. Also would help explain she’s eternally a Princess rather than a “Queen” despite the fact that we’ve never seen or even heard of her parents, horrible Mario Bros. movie aside, and Daisy’s existence and SMB3 at least hint there are other, likely more stable rulers of the Mushroom Kingdom.

She’s just a good distraction for Bowser since it’s not like there’s shit else to do while he’s ruling his kingdom and dealing with his kids. It probably helps that, as shown in Super Mario RPG, Bowser knows it’s the best way to get into a fight with Mario, who is also an excellent waste of time since he’s a worthy opponent.

'Sides, I tend to personally believe that if he’s doing anyone, rather than reproducing asexually through biology or just sheer magic, then it’s probably Kamek/Magikoopa considering they both can doubtless transform. So transforming into a woman, which would explain where the entirely reptilian looking kids come from, would probably be within the realm of possibility.

We’re getting even further into fanfic territory, but I know at least Manx knows what I’m getting at since he reads Oglaf. (Remember the wizard?)

I had the four food groups tonight…pie, vodka, pot and sex. Not in that order. It was more pot, pie, vodka, sex, pot…also, the pie was pot pie, so it was pot, pot pie, vodka, sex, pot. As schticky as this sounds, it’s actually pretty accurate.

Castlevania Dungeon Forums. If GD dies, we all migrate there. It’s lax as hell and you can swear, we could make a “lounge” type thread and as long as we talk about Castlevania in there once in a while, I guarantee nothing would happen to it. :rofl:

i got fooled by year one, i wont be fooled again. i wont be watching this

Where do y’all think the Koopalings came from?

Yeah, that’s right.

I loled so hard at 3 in the morning I’m afraid I may have awaken my family, but well worth it.

How does the old saying go? Once you go koopa, you prefer it in the poopa?

And that’s the way it should be. :sunglasses:

That sounds about right on Nintendo’s part.

How then do you explain that the Koopalings talk more than any of the other minions?

Swearing would have to just be a given with this crowd migrating, honestly. We’re on that next level shit.

Toad can’t jump for shit in SM2.