Srk giefs MIA, playing mvc3?

Between AE somewhat killing ssf4 relevance and mvc3 dropping, this place is a ghost town.

Anyway, curious if peeps are taking an extended break from sf. I notice my buddy list still has dozens of doods playing ssf4 but what has this community been up to? Trying to fit Haggar on their teams?

Honestly with all the frustrations trying to use a grappler in the sf universe, I said hell to the no to Haggar for mvc3.

Yeah, MvC3 has been my go-to fighting game recently, although I still play SSF4 too. And yes, I main Haggar. Haggar/Dormammu/Hulk is my usual team. They remind me of Zangief/Dhalsim/T. Hawk (see avatar :rofl:).

When the newness wears off of MvC3, and when AE drops, I’ll be back to playing SSF4 heavily. I still read the Gief board every day and have definitely noticed that it’s a ghost town recently. It’s still better than the Hawk board though, it once went a week without a new post.

I’m still playing, no online though. I’m lucky that I live next to a golfland about 20 mins away to play ssf4 AE. I play MvC3 also, but not as much as I do playing AE.

I played mvc3 for 7hours the week of launch, and placed at 5th place after losing to a free-team which had some crazy Phoenix shit i was not aware of, at the 7day later-launch… Im practicing SSFIV more now than before, preparing for the biggest tour in 2011 in these parts of the world…

You can add me if you wanna mirror: “Veggey” i must warn you, i dont use shenanigans and will more or less be worthless in that kind of mirror match! :slight_smile:

I could definitively need some practice in mirror from someone other than shenanigan-giefs… You know the kind ;D

Oh and if you want to see how poor i was i mvc3, il post a vid. Its intresting because i use Haggar ;D and a team that doesnt DHC well together, nor have any good long comboes. Sort of a “one hit wonder” team. [media=youtube]KEys1jEWjs4[/media] :stuck_out_tongue: hahaha

I don’t enjoy playing mvc3 at home. Still playing ssf4! Though at the moment I am up to my neck in videos from Paris to edi and upload. 55 gigs :expressionless:

Been more active in the WEE thread that and work hasn’t let me play much at all still practicing with Gief when I can. Aside from that haven’t been very active on here or EH for that matter. =/

I have been playing Makoto, even in Super she is a blast. Like Viper and Gief had a baby. So many character specific setups and OS’es.

Gief is still my favorite character by far, but Mak is going to be my serious secondary going into AE.

Still playing sf4 online. Wish I had some local players here cause it seems online is so much worse recently. Seems like all I play are clueless scrubs now. Trying to get into mvc3 but I just can’t. Think the game is just too stupid and random but maybe it’ll grow on me eventually.

We recently had a 3on3 in Norway, with all the best players(there are quite a few good once actually), our team went with 2 single match losses through the entire winers bracket, and did a convincing 3-1 win in gf, where i had to take out two of the stronger players in Norway. a Ken and Bison. And i must say, headbut and CLK-Buffer-EXBAN is godlike in that MU! There was one epic event, me vs a balrog. we had one timeout win each there was 4 seconds left, he whiffed an upperrush, and got to press the xbox “HOME” button. i had a pixel lifelead. Seeing as how we where leading 1-0 in that match, i decided to be a bro. and Rerun, but i got extremly impatient, leading to a final loss, and a score in that game 2-2. But it shows to prove that Rog on Gief is a war of patience.

Any1 compeeted in any tourneys lately?

I’m still hooked on SSF4 and I have never left Gief since vanilla and I’m really looking forward to AE damn’t I’m Jealous FFFUUUU Cali with all your fancy arcades lol (If tampa or Orlando had one I’d be there). I went to Final Round 14 in Atlanta place 65/250 (5th in my pool) and I just got 4th last night in a local tourney. I like mvc3 but I still play more SSF4 then anything I will post some footage when I find something recent.

EDIT heres some video footage from SRK Live on 3/26/11

My matches starts 36 minutes in and ends at 1:33 (21 wins)

A 2v2 at my local Arcade for AE called “Tight or Fight 2” 2 months ago. My friend [Abel] and I teamed up. Our first match was against an Akuma/rog. I go first and won by stunning akuma with headbutt > sweep. Then I lost to rog (it was close though). Then our second match we lost to a blanka/claw team. Then taken up by a ibuki/guy team, it would have gone lot better if the guy player went first. But that day was the first time playing against an seriously ibuki. =[. After that we talked about how many mistakes we made with the blanka/claw match up. He told me that he could punish all the blanka balls but he told me he gets the jitters when it comes to turneys, but I said don’t worry about it, I made my fair share of mistakes and we had fun in the process.

Ahh, to bad man. Ibuki matchup is odd, you can autocorrect EX-BAN to kill unsafe Kunaicrosses, and escape with it on many ocations. In addition instant FA backdash gets you out of heeps of trouble(little tricky to pull of). Other than that its all about not beeing KD :stuck_out_tongue: its anoying really, she is such a random char… :stuck_out_tongue:

Os with c.lp to get kd, beats all. and whiffpunishes her “HAI HAI HAI HAI” thing :stuck_out_tongue: watch out for that command sweep grab thingy, its very punishable on block. Be carefull, her knee beats lariat clean… You really dont have any good anti airs in this MU. So block alot, and watch wether or not to mash out ultra, depending on how high she hits you!

Did you lose because of the Kunai vortex? that shit is broke :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I’m aware now that ex-hand gets out of it, met a person not to long ago after the turney that plays her and is a regular at our golfland. I did do os c lp ex hand, but this is AE and theres no kd unless the ex hand it self is a counterhit =[. I lost on because of the kunai vortex with the combination of running away, and not know the match up to well.

That matchup sound ASS in AE, she gets vortex, but you dont :stuck_out_tongue: ouff. Its what in Super? 5-5 should be pretty hard in AE. As i can see it :confused:

I’m playing only playing gief about once a week now and only ae at the arcade. And because it’s on a stick I’m playing him pretty poorly IMO. However I do love the new spd range.

I’m spending 95% of my time working on getting my mvc3 game up to tourney level. I just don’t see the point in working on ssf4 when I have a feeling ae will come out before evo.

Also I would suggest all giefs try out she hulk she’s got the best command grabs in the game and has crazy Kara everything. Really digging mvc3 and might be able to win some local touneys vs ssf4 where I’ve been getting it handed to me by big Marcus and not winning however placing high in ssf4 tourneys.

^^ I tried She-Hulk when the game was new but didn’t really gel with her too well. Maybe now that more tech has been discovered with her I’ll give her another shot. Do you play Haggar in MvC3?

Still playing gief here - but nothing really new to discuss on these boards lol. Gief has so little potential for combos and matchups have been discussed for years now.

Went to a tournament on Saturday - won against a vega, a bison, and an akuma and lost to a better Vega and a Blanka so go figure.

I’ve been playing Thor in mvc3. He’s pretty terrible lol.

I don’t play hagger. I don’t see him being a true grappler. His mobility is really bad.

Gief boils down to how good of a player you are with him.

We’re at the pinnacle of that. We know giefs tricks, we know the ranges. Until AE hits there’s not much we can improve upon yet.

I played MvC3. Fun Game. But X-factor breaks it and I really dislike Dial combo games.

I’m not sure there is a pure grappler in a game like this but Haggar has the same issues like Gief, zoned out FTW.

Then you got shulk the fuerte of mvc3. Want to pick her up but not sure if she’ll gel with zero and sent.

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