SRK D&D Game start! The town of Marast: At The Quill & Dagger Inn

@Manx Don’t do this, pls.

One including Classes would be good, I just want to plug holes.

What did you think about that lesser aasimar I made with that dragon spawn template. The aasimar is a zero level adjust race. I think anything along those lines would be good do you don’t have to deal with monster HD and other random bs.

While still in town, your party hired the services of a Dwarven rogue, named Takas, with a bit more years behind her instead of relying on the advice of a child to save you from deadly adventuring mishaps. A wise move, to be honest. In a not so wise move, Orin Boal and Iyasu decided to do business with a shady back-alley goods dealer named Hobsenbas. It actually went well. Iyasu received a light blue sash with silver trimmings and Rock Bogart received a multicolored coat and was betrayed by his brothers (okay, that last part was just a joke, but the coat looks good on him).

You met the ghost of a jester from Castle Cheyde who seemed to be directing you into the castle crypt for some reason. You were already going there anyhow, so you entered and discovered that fairly recently another group had already been there and met their demise to a giant harpoon spider. Unsurprisingly, Bubba took most of the damage, easily cleaving down some almost pitiful skeletons that attacked you at the entrance, then encountering some nasty green slime, and then the spider came very close to eating him. Even Kubby The Kobold didn’t like that idea and courageously attacked the creature.

The crypt is divided up into at least three sections, the first being a redoubt for basic castle defense. Another section was left unexplored since it is warded by a magic-infused gate that dealt damage to anyone interacting with it, which of course meant Bubba again. The other section was behind a gate that was locked but not trapped. It was quickly opened by the hired rogue and down the party went. Inside was the large crypt of Castle Cheyde, supposed resting place of the key to Jarlgrago, the ancient Dwarven city, and the lost tiara of Karlyssa Cheyde.

It’s where you’ll be exploring in your next session. Rumors about it, according to Iyasu’s great (ahem) information gathering skills, are that the haunted castle is a death trap now taken over by unspeakable evil and that even sleep is your enemy there.

I’m sure you guys will have fun. :tup:

Is that the rogue? That’s the only one I see besides Lydia. Link it again. :tup:

Yeah here you go, I fucked up on the swordsage part but I can make it a quick fix.

edit: I forgot they had a 32 point buy lol, gotta fix that too.

Well DnD 3.5 is not on Scribd anymore, and I don’t feel like torrenting so Amon will have to do, he is essentially what we need anyways. AYO_Merc is my name on Myth-Weavers so add me up or something Manx.

EDIT: Nevermind making a Rogue/Swashbuckler, lemme know what level I am. If it is 1 I’ll have to change shit around. But Class is easy to build.

Canadian already got that combo covered bro, why don’t play a tier 1 class so we don’t die. I would love to see some mighty morphin druid shit right about now.

See this is where a list of classes would help so I don’t waste my time. Fuck it do a Random generator lol.

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Whoa, Deja Vu.

This post was also included in Deja Vu-ness.

Do a Druid cause Angelpalm is my boy, why not.

Lots of time in dungeons. Haha some of my most fun playing a Druid was complaining about being inside all the time. But yeah. This will work. :tup:

All yeah a druid and a priest. Now I can act all reckless.

Shit you saw how a nigga skulking about now, sending the peons in first lol. Poor Bubba over there getting slimed and shocked in shit. It’s all good he got hp for days.

Hey. My info gathering is top tier. I get discount and shit. :smokin:

@Neesa @Angelpalm @RockBogart‌ @CanadianDstryr‌ @AYO?!‌
I have abandoned this thread for a week, but not the game. I’ve been constantly working on little things here and there.

So… Tomorrow. Are we okay to start at 5:00 PM? I mean that too. I’ve got my schedule cleared out for it and everything. I just hope you guys don’t end up dying. x

AYO?! I’ll be on a couple of hours prior to that so we can finalize your character sheet. Make an account and share it with me on My name on there is ManxBladesake


I will still be at work lol.

Also for @‌ayo

You get off late, right?

I think the game will still be going by the time you get home. It may take a bit to get going anyhow. And I think Neesa is at Pax. @Neesa when do you get back? We can always pay on Sunday.

Just communicate so we get’s our times straight. :tup:

Hahaha Yeah you right, Rock.

K, I can control Neesa. :tup:

I’m actually not coming back til Monday night.

Well excuuuuuse me, Princess. :rofl:
