Does this also work for Bisons teleport? If he doesn’t cross up I block, if he does I teleport away, laughing?
I don’t see why not…but you’d obviously have to press all 3 punch buttons which would be a bitch
considering you have a dp motion for both directions, no i dont think this will work in the way you want it to.
IMO, you’ll get out of the crossup but the question thereafter lies, “where are you going to teleport to?”
Oh right. Since the input recognized by the game would always be a fwd.dp (thats how I understand it at least) it will put you right in his face with a disadvantage.
Too bad. What would happen if you do df, df instead of db, db? It’s kinda hard to try out without another player and I can’t really figure it out just from the theory.
if you do df df as your teleport motion you should always teleport out of corner, at least thats how it works in my head, i dnt feel like testing,
Well I don’t really get why db db would count as a dp for Ryu and Sagat, but whatever, this game’s inputs are crazy. Good stuff guys.
Take your 4chan/FYAD bullshit somewhere else.
edit: seriously, you type dnt instead of dont or don’t? jesus christ you’re retarded
db db only qualifies as an srk if he moves to the other side, if rufus divekicks to the other side, he is stuck on that side, if you do it the other way around, he can change sides on you and make the srk whiff.
if you negative edge an srk, it wnt come out as a jab, meaning you either get SIDE A: srk or SIDE B: block, nothing else. you can apply this principle to crossunders, to reduce the amount of risk involved, since you will only commit to an srk 50% of the time, instead of 100% using old side option select. this is ideal if you dont have 50% meter. the only counter to the crossunder is he has to block on the side you srked on. its simple risk reduction. you can make 50/50s have less risk on your part with crossunders.
dont get your panties in a bunch. or do you want to neg bomb me again?
This is good shit.
How about we all stfu about the bullshit and talk about the fucking game.
I think that’s an amazing idea.
Can someone post a vid of where this would be used? What advantages does it have over the reverse motion?
As I understand it, f, d, f + p (or df, d, df for low block) would accomplish the same thing in reverse. In other words, if you get crossed up and release late you’ll block, if you don’t, you’ll get an SRK that “automatcally” switches to the opponent’s direction.
I don’t understand Bison’s teleport at all and I’ll be the first to admit it. I’ve never played him. But if you have good control on Bison’s teleport (meaning knowing where to land), you should be able to avoid all reset shenanigans.
The only reason I mention this is because reset shenanigans (e.g. Sakura’s mixup/reset as performed by Sabre in Evo, Akuma’s reset mixup, and others) seem to be quite popular as of late. Sakura’s being the most deadly I feel. Especially with her combo’s having high stun effects.
Something worth noting about where SRK anti crossup Option Select would come in extremely handy and quite possibly a lifesaver as well.
I don’t know if they did this exact method of execution, but I’ve run into some players that punish me on cross up with SRK constantly. It got me every time I went for it.
That’s just a delayed DP. It crosses up for you if you do an SRK motion and wait for them to cross you up to hit the punch button.
This thread is talking about the option select, not that anyone noticed
if you do dp in the direction to started int, people can typically start on the side the begin from, but switch to the other, making DP whiff (this only applies for divekicks).
if you do it the other way, they have to commit to the crossup, once they are on the other side, they cannot change it, meaning DP will hit. dping against the person means it will be done on the side they cannot switch. this is why i use this direction vs rufus.
vs crossunder, using either dp is fine. also you want to end in DB/DF because otherwise you will not block a low atack in a crossunder situation.
aah ok. don’t have much experience against rufus but this seems to make sense.
I’ll give it a try;)