Yeah but as you said, it doesn’t work if the crossover is ambiguous (hits right after crossing), and I’d guess most Rufus players will want to do it that way. Anyways I don’t have much experience and if you say it works, I’ll believe it :razzy:
Cool beans. I’ve been wondering if negative edge had any applications. This is actually super useful.
How can you make this many posts about this game, spend time in so many threads writing convoluted long posts, and not know basic ABC’s shit like Rufus dive kick is not an overhead. You seriously thought Rufus could do an instant air divekick and had an instant overhead that he can combo out of into a freaking ultra? You SERIOUSLY thought this? And it’s not like we’re talking about Rose or something here, we’re talking about a common character that consistently shows up in the finals of everything. Do you play this game at all?
That’s like thinking Guile’s sonic boom is a command motion. What the hell.
Maybe you should take his advice?
Do you even play this game?..
I think the easiest thing to do vs cross ups is as follows …
when they are just about over your head do :r::d::df: and hold :df: for a split second then hit :p: (or :k:) as SOON as they cross you up (change sides) this will give you a ducking dp in the right (backwards) direction! Been doing this since sf2t, you just gotta be quick!
I’ve never seen a thread go downhill this fast lol
this guy knows what’s up. I do the same damn thing. don’t need any advanced/backwards technique. the leniency of move input has been more helpful than harmful. learn your shortcuts and move input timing!
Seriously, who doesn’t know rufus dive kick is not an overhead…
shrug there aren’t a lot of rufus’es on XBL… give the guy a break. This is a videogame.
me lol…but i never see alot of rufuses online
Especially coming from someone who is on the first page of every thread, chastising people for inaccuracies
parabellum is the king of theory fighter all talk no game
kensk i luv u
Damn it feels like a 09er feeding frenzy in this thread…
Holy shit I better not slip up like Parabellum did.
P.S- I’m suprised he didn’t know about Rufus’ divekick… but whatever calm down people.
He made a mistake.
Going from memory most people would think rufuses dive kick was an overhead because it’s a jumping attack.
Why are about 90% of the users on this site such cunts?
Cause this is the internet and they don’t have to be nice about anything?
because its super hypocritical coming from him.
anyway if anyone can think of ways to expand upon this that would be nice, i posted this not because its the best option select, but because if someone can find ways to build upon it, that would be good for everyone. i only posted this because no one else has yet and adding to overall community knowledge will help us beat japan > : ]
90% of the users here should have stayed on the gamefaq forums.
Not the same 90% you’re talking about though. SRK used to be a place where the best and brightest posted up and shared all the crazy shit they knew so people like me could fuck shit up at the arcade. Now my most basic SF knowledge trumps half of the posters on here, and the few useful threads like this are showered with people who like to call bullshit because they need shit personally explained to them step by step.
Out of the people who said this isn’t possible because of it not being a real SRK motion or Rufus’s attack being an overhead or not liking the OP’s grammer… did any of you acctually try it?
thanks a lot kensk! this sounds really dope, i’m testing it out right now and it works.
It works and thats fine but You’re probably much, much better off just learning how to auto-zone a shoryu (so it comes out whatever side your opponent is on) and it works in all situations, not just ones where your opponent is airborne but not using an overhead. Choi raped people at evo with this.
your dumb