SRK 3rd Strike: PC Tourney on 30th; Zoomer Addicted to Parry Fishing in 2020!?

It’s good!

Is that Friday, and isn’t @Vhozite involved too?

Saturday and Vhoz gotta work. :man_shrugging:

I see. Do you need help whipping up something on challonge or I think we can and should stick it to 11am PST on Saturday.

Eh, I should be able to do it. Just waiting on more people to confirm.


Saturday at 11am PST works for me

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@Pertho @Pair_of_rooks @PlusFrames @Dayaan @GhenghisDong @Shahenzan

Bracket’s up!

Since we’re one player short, we gotta give someone a bye.

Dong was the one blessed by the randomizer.

The time is already set. Saturday, May 30th, 11am PST.

If anyone else wants in or out, @ me. I’m waiting for everyone to confirm their availability.

Failure to comply will not be tolerated and will be punished by a beatdown gif. Kappa

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I’m set to go.

I haven’t played in forever, but I have 30th now and I added myself to the discord so I guess I’m in. I’ll try to get some practice in before sat. But someone prepare for a free win.


Well, you literally already got one, so it’s all good. :rofl:

If you wanna practice, we’ve been running lobbies almost daily.

my steam id is pairofrooks so friend me and we can flail at each other in preparation

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@Pertho, @Volt, @PlusFrames, @Pair_of_Rooks, @Shahenzan, @GhenghisDong

Get ready for the tourney tomorrow at 11am PST.

@KingTubb If you still want to handle the commentary, check with Pertho and the SRK Twitch and let’s see if we can get something rolling. I’d be happy to try to help.

Bracket’s here:

Be ready for your games and GGs ahead!


If we can’t figure out how to do it, I was gonna watch and commentate on the discord channel

@Pertho you gonna stream? Or does anyone else have a twitch and wanna stream?


Today’s the big day!

Are we doing FT2 or FT3?

Also, Tubb talked with Pertho last night and this won’t be going up on the SRK stream. How should we be following this, as in, where do we go to get directions as to who’s fighting next etc? Through the discord voice chat?

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I’m pretty sure everyone is in the Discord and honestly that would be a lot easier for me because I can handle it through my phone.

I was afraid the stream would fall out, so I guess I’ll have to take the reins after all.

I just gotta deal with some work stuff and try to find some store open to buy a new headset.

I’ll @ everyone with the details soon.


Anyone have the ability to stream? I really wanna watch

Wait, volt said he was covering it. Very excited.


If you watch any of this watch 1:10-1:30

Shit had me on the floor :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I thought I was in the lounge. Whoops

Alright! Looking forward to this. Anyone wants a couple of warmup games?

Spin, @ everybody real quick. 1h left. I gotta hurry with a couple preparations.

I need everyone’s steam profiles!!!
