*On another note… some of the competition online for Mario Kart is harsh, man… I’m in races where you only see the top 4 racers at the start, then never again… seems like most people are going for the heavy characters, despite those characters having that penalty of absolutely terrible acceleration.
I usually do cooking out on the Sundays of said holiday weekend. I had the burgers, hot dogs, beans, potato salad, corn on the cob, and ribs bangin’ like a crip set.
You more a fan of short to the point stories rather than drawn out series too? Me too.
The only exception I make is One Piece and Hunter x Hunter, but when a show is dragging its feet for too long it just feels lke nothing is going to get resolved in the series.
How can you get bored with a bunch of hot girls who are lost? "No, I… I’m pretty sure that cabin is this way, Sarah. I mean, if I were a forest monster, I’d never go back to where I first encountered the prey I’ve been stalking…
Nigga. I get emotional when I get really sleepy. Like thinking of old Street Fighter match-ups makes me cry, emotional. The worst I ever got was when I worked a full week of night shift work for which I only slept about 5 hours a day, and at TX Motor Speedway, a 45 min drive away for an entire race set because my friend got us on to work the pits. It was cool as fuck, but who knew that that kind of work was jarring as fuck and made my fatigue 3x’s worse?
Ya, needless to say, I left the next day and never even bothered going to get my check. It probably wasn’t even worth the gas money driving out there again.
Yea I tend to be a fan of shorter works. I tend to lose interest when things start running long. 5 seasons is usually to be my limit on a show, and its not even a matter of nothing getting done, I’ve watched stuff where plenty of things are happening and the story is progressing just fine and i still lose interest, especially if a character I really like is no longer on the show for whatever reason. I watched most of NCIS cuz I loved Ziva, but as soon as she left I stopped caring and stopped watching pretty much right away.
Anime has it the worst from me, I don’t watch much of anything that is more then 52 episodes long and even that is pushing it.
I dunno man, I honestly just…stopped watching. It wasn;t like the show changed, actors left, or it got bad or anything…I just stopped turning it on for some reason. I do remember the mystery of who Bo’s mom was getting resolved and maybe I felt like that was a good place to stop since it had been the real over arching narrative plot for the show up to that point?
Came across this anime on Youtube called Tokyo Tribe. Has a dope theme song ( Japenese rapping that I can actually bob my head to ) And it’s pretty cool. Until things take a fucking negative 180 turn for the worst when the episode featuring the scene know as “goosh goosh” came up. Just…why anime?..Why? Like some sick. deminted fucker actually took the time to draw and animate that shit. People actually put effort into the horrific screams of agony…That fucked me up man. This is why most people just stick to the big name anime’s and don’t mess with lesser known shit. Anime be doing too much…
No, I know that, @XthAtGAm3RGuYX. Thanks, but I’ve already known that for about over a decade, in part because of the Morrigan that we are all most familiar with around here a.k.a. She of the Soul Fist a.k.a. Dr. Doom’s new BFF.
The character I was referring to is from the sci-fi/fantasy Canadian series Lost Girl and has the name of “The Morrigan” as her title, not her actual name. Unlike the main character of that show, Bo, The Morrigan of Lost Girl is some kind of talent vampire whose species I don’t think is ever specified, though I couldn’t say for certain given that I’ve only ever watched like…half a dozen episodes of that show at the most.
I mean nothing wrong with being a lil edgy and in your face or shocking. But DAMN! They could of at least had some build up to it so I could’ve been like “I know where this is going I’m out” But no. They take the dude to see their boss. The boss being one piece levels of absurdly tall and big. He sizes the dude up. Then BAM! They go from 0 - infinity and immediately cut to a scene of him butt fucking the dude to death! Like whoa warn a brotha damn!
Yeah, from what I’ve seen, that “goosh goosh” scene does seem like it kind of comes out of nowhere, but, uh, that’s kind of how rape works a lot of the time, so…
Unless, of course, your complaint lies within the fact that guy gets fucked to death because he literally gets broken in half. In which case, yeah, that’s suddenly a bit much I guess.