Sponsored Tournaments?

Not trying to sound greedy, but any chance of sponsored tournaments coming back into play?

Custom stick to first place? Lab Zero, Reverge, etc. getting on board? Pot bonuses?

I just want to do whatever it takes to get this game rolling again, 3-4 majors had 100+ entries for it. Lets make it happen again!

Nope dis gaem is dead.

Considering the financial trouble they’re experiencing and the fact that we can barely get enough people for SoCal Regionals?

Not going to happen.

Are there any custom stick makers in the sg community? We could do a kickstarter or equivalent to fund prizes that way.

I wonder if Duckie can do that.

Anyone know how much did those FoeHammer SG sticks cost to make that were given out at tournaments?

Oh hell naw. I hate case building. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I do insides only.

Now, if you guys chipped in and bought a case and some parts, I’ll chip in with free wiring, but that’s all I can do right now.

I think if you want to offer up Custom sticks as a prize. I think its gonna be in the community’s hands to provide one. (Which, if the community is down with conjuring one up. I have a PS360+ still in the box, i’d donate to the cause.)

Right now…game needs to get that “Launch Party” hype to return and oh, more sales probably wouldn’t hurt either :stuck_out_tongue: (Holding out for that Steam release, so I can buy 2 copies a week. Every week. Unless there’s a sale…then its like, 5.)

a New Year is coming up guys. Games only dead, if you let it die.